The Mandelbrot Set Explorer Acknowledgements

The Mandelbrot Set Explorer


The Mandelbrot Set Explorer was designed by Prof. Robert L. Devaney of the Mathematics Department at Boston University and the Dynamical Systems and Technology Project. Comments, compliments, or complaints should be sent to

Support from the National Science Foundation is gratefully acknowledged. It is also a pleasure to acknowledge the contributions of the following students, teachers, and colleagues asociated with this project: Clara Bodelon, Jon Choate, James Denvir, Alice Foster, Noah Goodmann, Samuel Kaplan, Stephanie Ruggiano, Adrian Vajiac, and Johanna Voolich. Finally, Killer Devaney digested the entire manuscript for this project and returned many highly stylized suggestions. All errors that remain are due to her.

Devaney home page

Dynamical Systems and Technology Project Home Page