Selected Publications
Mechanisms and interactions of abstract neural oscillations
- * F. Skinner, N. Kopell, and E. Marder. Mechanisms for oscillation and frequency control in networks of mutually inhibitory relaxation oscillators. J. Computational Neuroscience, 1994;1:69-87.
- N. Kopell and G. LeMasson. Rhythmogenesis, amplitude modulation and multiplexing in a cortical architecture. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 1994;91:10586-90.
- * J. White, C. Chow, J. Ritt, C. Soto-Trevino, and N. Kopell. Synchronization and oscillatory dynamics in heterogeneous, mutually inhibited neurons. J. Comput. Neurosci., 1998;5:5-16.
- * D. Terman, A. Bose, and N. Kopell. Dynamics of two mutually coupled slow inhibitory neurons. Physica D, 1998;117:241-75.
- C. Chow, J. White, J. Ritt, and N. Kopell. Frequency control in synchronized networks of inhibitory neurons. J. Comput. Neurosci., 1998;5:407-20.
- A. Bose, N. Kopell, and D. Terman. Almost synchronous solutions for pairs of neurons coupled by excitation. Physica D, 2000;140:69-94.
- * C. Chow and N. Kopell. Dynamics of spiking neurons with electrical coupling. Neural Comput., 2000;12:1643-78.
- N. Kopell and G.B. Ermentrout. Mechanisms of phase-locking and frequency control in pairs of coupled neural oscillators. In Handbook of dynamical systems, volume 2: Toward applications, B. Fiedler, ed., Elsevier, Philadelphia, 2002;3-54.
- D. McMillen and N. Kopell. Noise-stabilized synchronization in populations of model neurons. Comput. Neurosci., 2003;15:143-57.
- * C. Borgers and N. Kopell. Effects of noisy drive on rhythms in networks of excitatory and inhibitory neurons. Neural Comput., 2005;17:557-608.
- P. Malerba and N. Kopell. Phase resetting reduces theta-gamma interaction to a one-dimensional map. J. Math. Biol., 2012, Apr 21. [Epub ahead of print]
- A. Serenevy and N. Kopell. Effects of heterogeneous periodic forcing on inhibitory networks. SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., 2013, 12(3), 1649–1684.