Dynamical Systems Seminars
Fall 1996
The Dynamical Systems seminar is held on Monday afternoon at
4:00 PM in MCS 149. Tea beforehand at 3:30 PM in MCS 153.
- September 9: Nuria Fagella (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
Periodic points for automorphisms in higher dimensions
- September 16: Special, first-ever, get-acquainted dynamics wine and cheese reception
- September 23: Hartje Kriete (Universitat Gottingen)
Complex dynamics in higher dimensions
- September 30: Xavier Jarque (visiting Boston University)
Misiurewicz points for the complex exponential
- October 7: Arek Goetz (Boston University)
Piecewise isometries and symbolic dynamics
- October 14: No seminar
- October 21: G. R. Hall (Boston University)
A universally observable flow on the two-torus
- October 28: Charles Li (MIT)
Chaos in a perturbed nonlinear Schroedinger equation
- November 4: Eileen Lee (Boston University)
The geometry of Brjuno numbers
- November 11: Dave Christini (Center fro Neuromuscular Research, BU
Model-independent control of low-dimensional dynamical systems
- November 18: Sylvie O. Kamphorst (visiting Boston University)
Chaos in the elliptical stadium
- November 25: No Seminar
- December 2: Keith Burns (Northwestern University)
Spheres with ergodic geodesic flow
- December 9: Robert Williams (University of Texas)
Symbolic Dynamics and Chaos
BU Dynamical Systems Home Page
BU Mathematics Department Home Page