Funding Application Form

Limited funding is available for non-Boston area graduate students and postdocs with PhDs awarded in 2011 or later. Funding will cover up to $800 for
local expenses (hotel, food, local transportation), and cannot be used for airfare, train fare, etc. We have reserved a number of double occupancy rooms
at the Bertram Inn . A very few single occupancy rooms are available, and will be assigned either in case of gender issues or by lottery.

First name
Last name
US Institution

Date of Arrival

Date of Departure


If you are female and/or a member of an underrepresented minority, please indicate which categories you belong to.


Years in graduate school/post-PhD
Thesis topic (for graduate students)
Name of thesis advisor/faculty member writing a brief e-mail reference for you
(required for graduate students)

Please indicate the amount of funding you are applying for.

IMPORTANT! If you want to reserve housing in the Bertram Inn , please indicate in the white box below the nights for which you will need housing.
We can only reserve rooms for funded participants for the nights of September 14 through September 18.
Rooms will be mostly double occupancy. Unfunded participants must make their own arrangements for housing.

Will you be attending the workshop dinner on Wednesday evening, September 17? The cost will be approximately $25.