Abstracts of Invited Talks
Department of Neuroscience,
Brown University
Diverse roles for electrical
synapses in the mammalian brain
There are two types of synapses in the
mammalian brain. Chemical synapses use diffusible transmitter molecules,
and are ubiquitous. Electrical synapses, which allow ionic current
to flow directly between cells, had seemed to be quite rare. Recent
observations, however, suggest that electrical synapses are actually quite
common. This raises a big, obvious, and as yet unanswered question: what
are the functions of electrical synapses? I will describe studies
of four distinct sets of neurons in the neocortex, thalamus, and inferior
olive, each of which has electrical synapses with surprisingly similar molecular
and biophysical characteristics. The unique features of the neural
circuitry and intrinsic membrane properties in each region suggest different
functions for electrical synapses, including roles in coordinating subthreshold
membrane potential and spiking activity, and in generating and synchronizing
neuronal rhythms.
of Mathematics & Neurology,
University of Chicago
Integrate-and-fire neural
networks and forest fires
There is a close correspondence between
the dynamics and properties of large networks of spiking neurons and that
of forest fires. Consider first a network of integrate-and-fire neurons.
Each neuron is either hyperpolarized or refractory,
depolarized or sensitive, or else activated. Now consider a forest fire comprising
burned, green,
or burning trees. Lattice models of such
forest fires have recently been shown to exhibit a form of self-organized critical behavior. We show that integrate-and-fire
neural networks exhibit similar behavior and describe a number of new
features associated with the dynamics of such networks. In particular
we show how power law distributions for interspike intervals appear, and
how stochastic resonance effects underlie the formation of coherent activity.
Department of Mathematics,
University of Pittsburgh
Coupled oscillator arrays
1, 2, 3
I will discuss the behavior of arrays
of weakly coupled oscillators in one, two, and three dimensions. Here
I focus more on the behavior due to the topology of the connectivity than
on the details of the individual oscillators. I describe patterns driven
by bondary heterogeneities in one-dimension and show that the patterns in
two- and three-dimensions are in a sense a product of the one-dimensional
cases. I also demonstrate non-trivial two- and three-dimensional patterns
that do not naturally reduce to the lower-dimensional patterns.
Center for Computational Biology,
Montana State University
Synchronous activity in
the visual system:
history, scientific sociology and current status
Synchronous activity is currently an intensely
studied subject in neurophysiology. In vision, where it remains controversial,
it has been attributed to a variety of functions ranging from scene segmentation
to visual awareness. Prior to 1980, synchronous activity wasn't even on the
radar screen of most visual neuro- scientists. It was relegated to theories
of olfactory processing and synaptic plasticity. Studies of visual processing
were dominated by the analysis of receptive field properties and the mapping
of cortical areas. This began to change, however, with the gradual realization
that visual perception is fundamentally a distributed, combinatorial process.
A theory was needed to incorporate distributed processing, combinatorial
flexibility and temporal dynamics. This theory, preceded by concepts introduced
by Hebb and others, emerged in the form of two largely ignored papers by
Milner (1974) and von der Malsburg (1981). They proposed that perceptual
grouping is mediated dynamically by distributed assemblies of synchronously
firing neurons. Later, this model captured widespread attention with the
discovery of stimulus dependent synchronous firing in visual cortex. Subsequent
work has revealed that synchronous activity is a robust and general feature
of neuronal networks. We have a much better understanding of how it is generated,
and there are many interesting correlates with perceptual, motor and cognitive
functions. The jury is still out, however, regarding the functions of synchronous
activity, and critics abound. I will briefly review the history of synchronous
activity, discuss the pros and cons of the correlation model, and lay out
some arguments for why I think synchronous activity is fundamentally important
for many brain processes.
Mathematics Department, MIT (Emeritus)
Fancy Nancy and Plain Jane—several
enjoyable years collaborating with NJK
Mathematics Department,
University of North Carolina
Do invariant manifolds hold
Some insights about the ocean from dynamical systems
Much of the data for the ocean is Lagrangian
in that it is derived from subsurface floats drifting with the flow. At
the same time, many questions about the ocean involve transport and mixing,
and therefore concern Lagrangian dynamics. Dynamical systems offers significant
insight into Lagrangian dynamics based on invariant manifolds of stagnation
points. A strategy for model analysis, based on these ideas, at both model
input and output will be described. This will include Lagrangian data assimilation,
optimal float placement design and an approach to model evaluation.
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences,
Simple and complex cells
in the primary visual cortex
Properties and function of two classes
of cells -- simple (linear) and complex (nonlinear) -- will be summarized.
A large scale computational model containing both simple and complex cells
will be described. Within this model, the mechanisms which result from
the neuronal architecture and which produce both types of cells will be
unveiled. This work is joint with Jim Wielaard, Louis Tao, Mike Shelley
and Bob Shapley.
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences,
Some exciting consequences
of inhibition
< Abstract unavailable >
Emery Brown has graciously
agreed to stand in for John if family matters prevent him from delivering
his talk.
Department of Neurology,
UC Davis Medical Center
Dynamic features of motor
networks and behavior in Parkinson's disease
Oscillatory behavior is a ubiquitous,
but yet not fully understood, feature of motor control networks. One of
the behavioral manifestations of such oscillatory activity is the presence
of tremors, which occur both in the normally functioning motor system and
in a number of motor disorders, one of the best examples being the tremor
associated with Parkinson's disease. The resurgence in recent years of
microelectrode-guided surgical treatment of the motor symptoms of the disease
has provided an opportunity to study the characteristics of neural activity
within the basal ganglia and thalamus of parkinsonian patients. Our studies
of the spatiotemporal dynamics of oscillatory activity in the basal ganglia
and its relationship to tremor have provided insights into the types of
networks in the brain that can support the dynamical features of the observed
Max-Planck-Institut für Hirnforschung,
Frankfurt a.M.
Putative functions of oscillations
and synchrony in cortical processing
The evaluation and encoding of relations
among distributed neuronal responses are essential components of neuronal
processes underlying cognition, memory formation and sensory-motor coordination.
In complex brains multiple and rapidly changing relations need to be defined
in parallel, which requires highly flexible dynamic binding mechanisms.
One option for the encoding of relations is the formation of conjunction-specific
neurons that respond selectively to particular constellations of activity
in converging afferents. Another option is to label responses as related
by synchronizing the respective discharges with a precision in the millisecond
range. Synchronization enhances with high temporal resolution the saliency
of the synchronized discharges and hence can be exploited for the selection
and binding of responses. Experimental results suggest the following conclusions.
(1) Precise synchronization is often associated with an oscillatory
patterning of neuronal responses in the β and γ frequency range. (2) Both
phenomena exhibit a marked state dependency and occur only when the cortex
is in an activated state characterized by a desynchronized EEG. (3) Maintenance
of this state requires release of acetylcholine acting on muscarinic receptors.
(4) In sensory processing precise synchronization is likely to serve
the selection and grouping of short response segments for further joint
processing. (5) When neurons engage in oscillatory activity Hebbian modifications
exhibit a marked phase sensitivity. Synaptic gain increases (decreases)
when pre- and postsynaptic elements oscillate in phase (in counterphase)
whereby phase offsets as small as 15 ms suffice to reverse the polarity
of the synaptic modifications. (6) Synchronization of oscillatory activity
occurs also in the absence of sensory stimulation and then appears to
serve coordination of activity across cortical areas in the context of
attention-dependent processes such as task anticipation and short-term
memory. It is suggested that these properties of synchronization are compatible
with the hypothesis that it serves as a relation defining mechanism.
Further reading:
Singer, W. (1999) Neuronal synchrony: a versatile code for the definition
of relations? Neuron 24: 49-65
Engel, A.K., P. Fries, and W. Singer (2001) Dynamic predictions:
oscillations and synchrony in top-down processing. Nature Rev. Neurosci.
2: 704-716
Department of Mathematics,
Ohio State University
Activity patterns in the
basal ganglia
The basal ganglia are a group of nuclei
that play an important role in the generation of movement. Dysfunction
of the basal ganglia is associated with movement disorders such as Parkinson's
disease and Huntington's chorea. Structures within the basal ganglia have
in fact been the target of recent therapeutic surgical procedures including
deep brain stimulation. We develop a computational model, based on recent
experiments, in order to test hypotheses on the role of neuronal activity
within the basal ganglia in both normal and pathological states. We further
use the model to formulate hypotheses on possible mechanisms underlying
SUNY Health Sciences Center, Brooklyn
Axonal and dendritic electrical
differentially shape network oscillations
Nanomolar concentrations of kainate are
able to induce "persistent" gamma frequency (about 25-70 Hz) oscillations
in hippocampus in vitro. Such oscillations depend upon chemically
gated synaptic transmission, specifically via AMPA and GABA-A receptors.
In addition, the oscillations depend upon electrical coupling between neuronal
elements of two fundamentally different sorts: between axons of pyramidal
cells, and between the dendrites of interneurons. Experiments and
simulations indicate that the roles played by the two sorts of electrical
coupling are distinct. Axonal coupling is necessary for the oscillation
to occur at all (unless the axons are spontaneously hyperactive); whereas,
interneuronal dendritic coupling modulates the coherence of the oscillations.
In collaboration with I. Pais, S. Hormuzdi, A. Bibbig, F.E.N. LeBeau,
H. Monyer, the late E.H. Buhl, and M.A. Whittington. Supported by NINDS
and Volkswagen Stiftung.
School of Biomedical Sciences,
Leeds University
Interneuron heterogeneity: functional correlates
in hippocampal gamma and theta oscillations
Depth EEG recordings from the hippocampus
reveal two predominant oscillatory components in the gamma band (30 - 80
Hz) and theta band (4 - 12 Hz). In vitro hippocampla slice experiments have
revealed may clues as to the mechanism of gamma band oscillations but the
origin of theta frequency activity is only just becoming clear. The talk will
review the mechanism of generation of gamma frequency oscillations from a
cellular and network level and use this as a platform to demonstrate the differences
in comparison with a new model of theta rhythms. Both rhythms are dependent
on inhibitory interneurons but the types of interneuron differ in the following
ways: gamma-generating interneurons are predominantly fast spiking, perisomatically
targeting neurons producing large, brief inhibitory postsynaptic events in
principal cells. Theta generating neurons are relatively slow spiking, distal
dendrite targeting neurons producing small, prolonged inhibitory postsynaptic
events. In addition a number of intrinsic conductances in both theta generating
interneurons and principal cells are involved in theta generation. The interplay
between these two rhythms is critically dependent on the degree of fast excitatory
synaptic activity in the hippocampus. The possible consequences of this for
hippocampal function will be discussed.
Cajal Neuroscience Research Center,
University of Texas at San Antonio
Biophysics of pacemaking
by striatal cholinergic interneurons
The ongoing activity of cholinergic interneurons
in the striatum is important for regulation of synaptic plasticity and
mediates a variety of neuromodulatory effects on the principal cells of
the striatum. The origin of that ongoing activity has long been thought
to be tonic synaptic input from the cortex or the thalamus. New experimental
studies have shown that synaptic input is not required for maintaining
the background firing of these cells. Further, the three different
firing patterns observed in cholinergic interneurons, rhythmic single spiking,
irregular firing, and rhythmic bursting, can all be expressed in the absence
of fast synaptic input. The cells can spontaneously alternate between
these firing modes, but the mode selection is not based simply on average
membrane potential. We describe the ionic mechanism for one of the patterns,
rhythmic single spiking, and a partial description of the mechanism of a
second pattern, rhythmic bursting. We show that the choice of firing
mode is determined by the relative effectiveness of various voltage-sensitive
ion channels, and that the balance among channels can change under the influence
of neuromodulators. We present a biophysical model of the cholinergic
cell that can switch between these firing modes under neuromodulatory control.
** Possibly pinch-hitting for John Rinzel **
Harvard Medical School/MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology,
Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care, Massachusetts General Hospital
Application of the state-space
model paradigm
to neural spike train data analysis
Neural systems encode representations
of relevant biological signals in the firing patterns of their spike trains.
Spike trains are point-process time series and their codes are both dynamic
and stochastic. Even though the signal is often continuous, its representation
in the nervous systems is as a high-dimensional time series. Because neural
spike trains are point processes, standard signal processing techniques for
continuous-valued data will have limited utility in their analysis. Accurate
processing of neural signals requires the development of quantitative techniques
to characterize correctly the point process nature of neural encoding. The
advent in the last 10 years of the capability to record with multiple electrode
arrays the simultaneous spiking activity of many neurons (>100) has made
it possible to study information encoding by ensembles rather than by simply
single neurons. Hence, an important problem in neuroscience is developing
algorithms to analyze dynamic, high-dimensional spike train (point process)
data. The state-space modeling paradigm is a well-known engineering framework
for studying systems that evolve through time. In this presentation, we will
discuss the application of this paradigm to neural spike train data analysis.
We use the Bayes' rule Chapman-Kolmogorov equations to derive algorithms useful
for neural spike train decoding, dynamic analysis of neural encoding (neural
plasticity) and adaptive decoding. We will illustrate the methods in three
examples: Decoding position from the ensemble activity of hippocampal pyramidal
neurons; tracking the temporal evolution of hippocampal place receptive fields;
and characterizing the dynamics of human heartbeat intervals.