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Mathematics and Statistics
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Mathematics and Statistics

Help Using the HTML Syntax

There are some very helpful documents that are on the Web which explain in detail how to use the HTML syntax. One site which offers a primer is the following: Another site offers an interactive tutorial. Try the tutorial at: jburns/syllabus.html. If you are looking for help on using Netscape, you can hold the right mouse button down on the Help menu located to the far right of the Netscape window and choose the Handbook option.

There is also an application installed on the Math machine that will help you construct your Web pages. It is called HoTMetaL. To use it, just type the following at your UNIX prompt:
math larock % hm2 &

Once this has started, there is a help menu to the far right corner. Just hold the right mouse button down on this menu and choose the Browse Help option. This will explain how to use HoTMetaL to construct Web pages.

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September 2004
Mathematics and Statistics
Boston University