MA 471-671

Solutions to Homework Assignment #3

Page 67: Nos. 1b,c,e,i; 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

1. Each of the following functions undergoes a bifurcation of fixed points at the given parameter value. In each case, use algebraic or graphical methods to identify this bifurcation as either a saddle-node or period-doubling bifurcation, or neither of these. In each case, sketch the phase portrait for typical parameter values below, at, and above the bifurcation value.

The next three exercises apply to the family Q_c(x) = x^2 +c.

3. Prove that the cycle of period 2 given by q_+ and q_- is attracting for c between -5/4 and -3/4.

First note that (Q_c)'(x)=2x. It can easily be verified that the derivative of the second iterate of Q_c(x) is equal to (Q_c)'(q_+)(Q_c)'(q_-)=4c+4 for each value of c. To find the parameter values for which the two cycle is attracting we must solve for which c values 4c+4 is between -1 and 1. These are simply the values of c between -5/4 and -3/4.

4. Prove that this cycle is neutral for c=-5/4.

From the previous solution, we see that in order to show that the 2-cycle is neutral for c=-5/4 all we have to do is plug c=-5/4 into 4c+4, which yields -1.

5. Prove that this cycle is repelling for c<-5/4.

Again, refering to exercise 3, when c<-5/4, 4c+4<-1, which implies that the 2-cycle is repelling.

Exercises 8-11 deal with the logistic family of functions given by F_L(x)=Lx(1-x).

8. Describe the bifurcation that occurs when L=1.

For L not equal to 0, F_L has two fixed points at 0 and (L-1)/L. Using the fact that (F_L)'(x)=L(1-2x), we have (F_L)'(0)=L, which implies that for L between -1 and 1, the origin is attracting, then becomes neutral at L=1, and repelling for values of L greater than 1. Evaluating the derivative at the other fixed point, (L-1)/L, yields the value of 2-L. This indicates that the fixed point is repelling for L less than 1, neutral at L=1, and attracting for values of L between 1 and 3. Therefore, as L increases through the bifurcation point at L=1 there is an exchange of attractiveness from the origin to the other fixed point at (L-1)/L.

9. Sketch the phase portrait and bifurcation diagram near L=1.

To see a piture of the bifurcation diagram click here.

10. Describe the bifurcation that occurs when L=3.

From exercise 8, we know that the fixed point (L-1)/L is attracting for L between 1 and 3, and repelling for values of L greater then 3. The derivative of F_3 at the fixed point 2/3 is 2-3=-1, indicating a period-doubling bifurcation at L=3.

11. Sketch the phase portrait and bifurcation diagram near L=3.

Just beyond the value of L=3, we can see the begining of the period-doubling process as expected from exercise 10.

To see a piture of the bifurcation diagram click here.

For notation simplification purposes in #12-14 lambda=L.

12. Describe the bifurcation that occurs when L=-1.

Recall that F has two fixed points one at x=0 and one at x=(L-1)/L
This does not change as L passes through -1. To see what does change we'll consider each fixed point separately.

Starting with x=0.
When L is slightly greater than -1, |F'(0)|<1 which implies x=0 is attracting.
When L is slightly less than -1, |F'(0)|>1 which implies x=0 is repelling.
At L= -1, F'(0)=-1 which indicates that the fixed point is neutral and that a period doubling bifurcation occurs.
(ie. There is an attracting two cycle born at L=-1.)

For the other fixed pt, x=(L-1)/L;
When L is slightly greater than -1, |F'((L-1)/L)|>1 which implies x=(L-1)/L is repelling.
When L is slightly less than -1, |F'((L-1)/L)|>1 which implies x=(L-1)/L is repelling.
And when L= -1, |F'((L-1)/L)|=|F'(2)|=3>1 which implies x=(L-1)/L is repelling.
So there is no bifurcation at the fixed point x=(L-1)/L when L=-1.

13. Sketch the phase portrait and bifurcation diagram near L=-1.

Not here yet. Sorry.

14. Compute and explicit formula for the periodic points of period 2 for F.

First compute the second iterate of F:

To find the fixed points of F^2 (ie. the period 2 points of F), set F^2(x)=x, rearrange terms , and get
(L^2-1)x-L^2(1+L)x^2+2L^3x^3-L^3x^4=0 **

This 4th-degree polynomial may be factored into a pair of quadratics.
One of these factors must be (L-1)x-Lx^2 since the fixed points of F are also fixed points of F^2.
Long dividing out this 2nd-degree polynomial from (**), we find that
[(L^2-1)x-L^2(1+L)x^2+2L^3x^3-L^3x^4] / [(L-1)x-Lx^2]
and so
[(L-1)x-Lx^2][L^2x^2-L(L+1)x+(L+1) ]=0

This new factor may be solved using the quadratic formula and the simplified result of that is:
x=[(L+1) + Sqrt[(L+1)(L+3)] ] / 2L
x=[(L+1) - Sqrt[(L+1)(L+3)] ] / 2L

Hence, this 2-cycle exist when L>3 or L<-1 which agrees with the results of exercises 10 and 12.

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