Like the quadratic map Q_0, the filled Julia set for F(z)=z^3 is the closed unit disk. Observe that
This is a straightforward generalization of Exercise 1. In this case,
Given the fact that H(F(z)) = P(H(z)), which implies
a) Find all complex c-values for whcih Qc(z)=z^2+c has a fixed point
zo with Qc'(zo)=-1.
b)Show that the points q+(c)=-1/2 + 1/2(Sqrt[-3-4c]) and
q-(c)=-1/2 - 1/2(Sqrt(-3-4c) lie on a 2-cycle unless c=-3/4.
c) Determine whether this cycle is attracting, repelling, or neutral in the two real cases -5/4< c <-3/4 and c >-3/4.
d) Sketch the locations of the fixed points and q+/1 for Qc is the three real cases -5/4< c <-3/4 , c=-3/4 and c >-3/4. This is the complex period-doubling bifurcation.
It is convenient to write G_lamda(z)=lamda*(z-z^3)=lamda*z(1-z^2).
By definition,
In order to find fixed points for F_L(z), we need to solve the equation Lz(1 - z) = z for z. Obviously, 0 is a solution to this equation. Assuming z does not equal zero, we can perform the following calculations:
F_L has an attracting fixed point at the origin when |(F_L)'(0)| is less than 1, and at (L-1)/L when |(F_L)'((L-1)/L)| is less than 1. Given the fact that (F_L)'(z) = L(1 - 2z), we can easily see that (F_L)'(0) = L, which implies that the origin is attracting when L is within the unit disk centered at the origin.
To see a picture of the sets C, (Q_2)^{-1}(C), and (Q_2)^{-2}(C), click
=(1/8)(2w^3 + 6w(w^2 - 4))
Solving the system of equations
gives z=-1/2 and c=-3/4
Straightforward calculations yields
Qc(-1/2 +/- 1/2(Sqrt[-3-4c])= [-1/2 +/- 1/2(Sqrt[-3-4c])]^2 +c
=1/4 +1/4(-3-4c) -/+ 1/2(Sqrt[-3-4c]) +c
=1/4 +3/4-c -/+ 1/2(Sqrt[-3-4c]) +c
=-1/2 -/+ 1/2(Sqrt[-3-4c]
Note that q+/-(-3/4)=-1/2 -/+ 1/2(Sqrt[-3-4(-3/4)])=-1/2 which agrees with the results of exercise 6a.
Using the Chain Rule Along a Cycle given on p. 47 of the text, plus the fact
that Qc`(z)=2z, we have
G_lamda(+Sqrt[(lamda +1 )/lamda])=
lamda*Sqrt[(lamda +1 )/lamda]*(1-(Sqrt[(lamda +1 )/lamda])^2)
=lamda*Sqrt[(lamda +1 )/lamda]*((lamda-(lamda+1))/lamda)
=lamda*Sqrt[(lamda +1 )/lamda]*(-1/lamda)
=-Sqrt[(lamda +1 )/lamda]
and vice versa. Of course, when lamda=0 q+/-(lamda) is undefined and when
lamda=-1, q+/-(lamda)=0, but 0 is fixed.
Computing the fixed points of G_lamda, we have
=> lamda*(1-z^2)=1 for z not equal to 0
=> 1-z^2=1/lamda
=> 1-1/lamda=z^2
=> (lamda-1)/lamda=z^2
=> +/-Sqrt[(lamda +1 )/lamda]=z
which we`ll denote as p+ and p-. In the bifurcation diagram for G_lamda, when
lamda<1 there are two fixed points and a 2-cycle lying between them. At
lamda=-1 the two fixed points persist and have grown in magnitude but
the the 2-cycle ends. When lamda>-1
the fixed points persist (growing in magnitude) and the 2-cycle is gone.
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= lim(z -> z_0) (Lz(1 - z) - Lz_0(1 - z_0))/(z - z_0)
= L lim(z -> z_0) ((z - z^2) - (z_0 - (z_0)^2))/(z - z_0)
= L lim(z -> z_0) ((z - z_0 ) - (z^2- (z_0)^2))/(z - z_0)
= L lim(z -> z_0) 1 - (z + z_0)
= L(1 - 2z_0)
L(1 - z) = 1 =>
1 - z = 1/L =>
1 - 1/L = z =>
(L - 1)/L = z
We also have that
= L((L - 2(L - 1))/L)
=2 - L