Prof. Dirk Kreimer ph: 358 2393 off: 265/Math.Dept. Office Hours: Mo 11-1, Thu 11-12. MA557 is a self-contained introduction to the mathematical techniques in quantum field theory. There has been much progress in the understanding of the mathematical structure of perturbative techniques in quantum field theory in recent years. This progress allows one to present sophisticated mathematical concepts of quantum physics and field theory in a much more elementary way. The mathematics involved is a combination of topics from analysis, algebra, combinatorics, and even a little number theory. In particular, the algebraic structure of the Hopf algebra of rooted trees plays a central role in the systematic renormalization of divergent integrals that plague QFT. Prerequisites: MA226, MA242 or consent of instructor. Syllabus: Week 1: Introduction to the Hopf algebra of rooted trees. Week 2: Continuation of elementary prperties of Hopf algebras. Week 3: The problem of renormalization. Application of a Hopf algebra to it. Week 4: Basics from quantum field theory: Canonical quantization, commutators, Fock space, Wick's theorem, time- and normal ordering. Week 5: Feynman rules for scalar field theories, generalization to spin, momentum space Feynman integrals, coordinate space Feynman integrals. Week 6: Generating functions for graphs, graph counting, basic notions of graph theory as needed. Week 7: Power counting, existence of short-distance singularities, one-loop examples. Week 8: The concept of renormalization, diffeomorphisms of physical observables, scale transformations. Week 9: Basic elements from Hopf algebras and their dual Lie algebras of graph insertions. Counit, coproduct, coinverse. Feynman rules as characters of a Hopf algebra. Week 10: The principle of multiplicative subtraction. Simple examples from one-dimensional field theories. Scale transformations and renormalization group flow as an infinitesimal character. Week 11: Zimmermann's forest formula. Overlapping divergences. Two-loop examples worked out in scalar field theory. Week 12: The treatment of form-factors and theories with spin in general. Running couplings and anomalous dimensions. Week 13: Exact renormalization group versus perturbative renrmalization. Rooted trees versus graphs. The fundamental role of the residue of a Feynman graph. Week 14: Effective actions. Recovering the functional integral from a perturbative expansion. Dyson-Schwinger equations in comparison with Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations.