
"First with the head, then with the heart."
- Hoppie Groenwald

Socrates is credited with saying, "the unexamined life is not worth living." I enjoy every opportunity that I get to reflect and grow, incorporating aspects of everything I am part of into a unified/consistent way of life. Outside of research and school work, I love to engage myself (and in particular my mind) in a wide variety of ways.


Reading is a favorite hobby of mine and I always have a book going. I'll read just about anything, but some of my favorite authors are Orson Scott Card, Stephen King, Frank Herbert, and Ayn Rand. The following books comprise a small subset of what I've liked most. I have recently become very interested in Bayesian philosophy and am currently in the middle of the following two books: Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand and The Foundations of Statistics.

Electronic Hobbies

I do enjoy movies and television, but these usually take a backseat to reading and other activities. Video games can be quite fun, but are usually more fun for me when playing with other people. Even though my school work involves vast amounts of programming, I've pursued more leisurely and entertaining programming tasks to sharpen my skills (and because it's fun!).