MA 225 D1 Calculus III (Multivariate Calculus): Fall 2020

Lecturer: Takashi Kimura
email: kimura (at)
Office: MCS 270
Office Hours: TBA

Material Covered: This is a course on the calculus of functions of multiple variables. We study vector spaces, dot and cross products, parametrized curves and surfaces, partial derivatives, the chain rule, the gradient and directional derivatives, the tangent plane, critical points, Lagrange multipliers, double and triple integrals, surface area, line integrals, the curl and Green's Theorem, surface integrals and Stokes Theorem, and the Divergence Theorem. We cover most of the material in Chapters 12-17 of the text.

  • Lecture, Discussion Sections and Quizzes:
  • Textbook and Online (MyLabMath) Homework System: We will be using an online homework system called MyLab Math (MLM).
  • Homework:
  • Exams: There will be two midterms and a final exam which will be administered remotely.
  • Make-up exams:
  • Grading: Your grade for the course will be determined using the following percentages:
  • Each midterm exam 15%
    Final exam 25%
    Quiz grade 20%
    MLM Homework grade 10%
    Handwritten Homework grade 10%
    Lecturer's Discretion 5%

  • Academic conduct:
  • Important dates:
  • Recording policy: