MA341 Introduction to Number Theory - Repository Web Page

class instructor: Kalin Kostadinov
class meets in: PSY B47
class meets on: MonTueThu, 6:00 P.M. - 8:30 P.M.
office hours: Mon and Thu, 2:00 P.M. - 3:00 P.M.
Here are the syllabus and the grading scheme as PDF files.
Lecture Notes in PDF format:
05/18/2010 Diophantine Equations: Number Theory meets Algebra and Geometry.
05/20/2010 Small tool, great use: The language of congruences.
05/28/2009 Divisibility, Factoring, Primes. The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic.
05/29/2009 Close encounters with the prime numbers.
06/02/2009 Fermat, Euler, and the theorems of Number Theory.
06/04/2009 Sums of squares.
06/09/2009 Gauss and the Law of Quadratic Reciprocity.
06/11/2009 Algebra and Number Theory - the quest for structure.
06/16/2009 Analysis and Number Theory - Riemann, Dirichlet, and their functions.
06/18/2009 The brave new world of p-adic numbers.

Homework Assingments (as PDF files):
Hmw1 Hmw3 Hmw5 Hmw7 Hmw9
Hmw2 Hmw4 Hmw6 Hmw8 HmwX

Quiz1 Quiz2 Quiz3 Quiz4 Quiz5

Workshops Descriptions
05/26/2009 Axioms and Proofs. Building the Integers (PDF file)
06/01/2009 Computers and Number Theory (PDF file)
06/08/2009 The Art of Mathematical Exploration (PDF file)
06/15/2009 Applications of Number Theory: Cryptography (PDF file)

Students Final Projects (as PDF files):
Cryptography II Primes in Sequences Polygonal Numbers II Linear Equations
Formal Proof Minkowski's Theorem Decimal Representations Diophantus Arithmetic
Cryptography Continued Fractions Diophantine Aproximations Perfect Numbers
Undecidability Polygonal Numbers The Fibonacci Sequence Pascal Triangle