Students Statistics and Probability Seminar
In the beginning of the fall semester of 2007, Athreya Dwijavanti (Avanti), Kim Hyejin, Sur Ritaja and I,
began a graduate student Statistics and Probability seminar. The purpose of the seminar is to bring together graduate students
at the University of Maryland who work on areas related to statistics and probability. Graduate students can practice their
presentation skills and learn more about the research of their fellow graduate students. We would like to point out that any topic is
appropriate for presentation as long as it is related to statistics or probability. Junior graduate students that are interested in statistics,
probability, economics or finance are particular encouraged to contribute a presentation on any topic they like
(for example it could be something research related, their undergraduate thesis, an interesting problem thay have solved,
an interesting paper they have read, e.t.c.).
The seminar usually meets on Wednesdays at 3:30-4:30 pm in MATH 1313. Please check the weakly seminar schedule at
for possible changes and updates. If you are interested in giving a presentation, please send an email to the organizers.
- Speaker: Konstantinos Spiliopoulos, Wednesday 19 Sep 2007
Title: Probabilistic Approach in Homogenization: An Introduction,
- Speaker: Ziliang Li,Wednesday 3 Oct 2007
Title: An introduction to Stochastic Integration
- Speaker: Ritaja Sur,Wednesday 17 Oct 2007
Title: Varying Coefficient Models
- Speaker: Min Min,Wednesday 31 Oct 2007
Title: Asymptotic Normality in Generalized Linear Mixed Models
- Speaker: Enrico Au-Yeung, Wednesday 14 Nov 2007
Title: What is the Largest Disc that can be Covered by a Random Walk in N Steps?