MA 226
Differential Equations
Fall 1999
Paul Blanchard

Class time and location: Tue, Thu 9:30-11 in STO B50

Discussion sections:

Text: Blanchard, Devaney, and Hall: Differential Equations (first edition), Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, 1998. ISBN number 0-534-34550-6.

In this course, we study the solutions of ordinary differential equations using a three-pronged approach. Solutions are obtained using analytic, geometric, and numerical techniques. All three approaches have their advantages, and we will learn when to use the appropriate technique. We begin by deriving a few classical examples with an emphasis on the phenomena that they model. We then discuss first-order equations using all of the techniques mentioned above. Next we study first-order systems. Using techniques from linear algebra, we derive a systematic approach to the solution of linear systems. Unfortunately, nonlinear systems are more difficult to investigate, but we learn how to apply what we know from the linear case to the nonlinear case. The course concludes with a discussion of Laplace transforms. Our goal is to be able to say as much as possible about the solutions of a differential equation even if those solutions cannot be expressed in terms of the standard elementary functions (polynomial, rational functions, trigonometric functions, etc.)

Course web page:

Exams and grading: We will have three in-class exams during the semester, all at the normal class time. They will be held on September 30, October 28, and December 2, and the final exam is scheduled for 12:30-2:30, Friday, December 17. Please note the date of the final and make your travel plans now! University policy states that you must take the final at the scheduled time. In addition to the in-class exams, you will be required to submit written work during the semester. This work will include solutions to the homework, numerically-based lab reports, and Mac lab worksheets. This work will partially determine your "discussion section grade." Grades for the course will be determined by applying the most favorable of the following two weighting schemes to your curved exam grades.

Each of your two best in-class exams 18%
The remaining in-class exam 8%
The final 30%
Discussion section grade 26%


Each in-class exam 18%
The final 20%
Discussion section grade 26%

Make-up exams: I have an absolutely firm policy of not giving make-up exams. If you miss an exam, then you must provide an acceptable, written excuse (not an email message) for your absence or you will receive a grade of zero. A valid reason for missing an exam would be something serious like illness (not a slight cold) or a family emergency. Neither poor preparation nor sleeping through an exam are acceptable. If possible (particularly if you want to be sure that your excuse is an acceptable one), contact me before missing an exam. Students who miss more than one exam should probably withdraw from the course.

Discussion Section Instructor: Kinya Ono. His office is MCS B42, and his office phone number is 353-5204. His office hours are M 10-11 and W 1-2, and his tutoring hours in MCS 147 are T,R 1-2.

Homework: Assignments from the text will be made at the end of each class, and you are expected to work these exercises before the next class. In addition, you will be expected to submit your homework for review at discussion section each week. Your homework will play a role in your discussion section grade. No late homework will be accepted for any reason.

Discussion sections: Each student must attend one of these sections. Although the lectures are important, you will need to do more than simply attend lectures to do well in this course. Mastering the subject comes from doing problems and getting help when you do not know how to do them. The discussion sections are the best place to get that help. In addition, discussion sections will also be one of your main sources for help with the numerical work in the course.

Office: MCS Room 255.

Phone number: 353-9555. You can leave a message if I am not available.

Email address: I find that email is a good way to leave messages, but it is not a good way to get help on your homework. For help with the mathematics in this course, I encourage you to visit me in my office.

Office hours: T 3:00-4:30, R 2:30-4:00. I will be available in my office during these hours for consultation on a first-come-first-served basis. You do not need an appointment in advance. In addition, many brief matters can be handled directly after class, and in special cases, we can schedule appointments at other times.

Additional help: There will frequently be at least one teaching assistant available to give you some help with your homework in MCS 147. We will provide more information as soon as tutoring begins.

Plagiarism and Cheating: All of the work that you submit in this course must be your original work. Any violation of this principle will result in disciplinary action.