Open questions and recent developments in Iwasawa theory

Open questions and recent developments in Iwasawa theory
in honor of Ralph Greenberg's 60th birthday
June 2005

Local-global compatibility in p-adic Langlands for GL2

Matthew Emerton

Northwestern University


As usual, let GQ denote the absolute Galois group of Q, and let Af denote the ring of finite adeles of Q. One can obtain a quite large and interesting representation of the product GQ x GL2(Af) by p-adically completing the etale cohomology of modular curves in a suitable manner. The goal of this talk is to discuss some conjectures and open questions concerning the structure of this representation. These conjectures are closely related to recent developments in the so-called ``p-adic Langlands programme'' that is currently being developed by Breuil, Colmez, and others.