Open questions and recent developments in Iwasawa theory

Open questions and recent developments in Iwasawa theory
in honor of Ralph Greenberg's 60th birthday
June 2005

Skew-hermitian modules in the arithmetic of elliptic curves

Barry Mazur

Harvard University


Advances made by Ralph Greenberg, Jan Nekovar, Cornut and Vatsal, Bertolini and Darmon, Kazuyo Kato, and others, have given us the tools to understand the Selmer module of an elliptic curve over Q relative to Zp-power extensions of (abelian) number fields, for p a good, ordinary prime for E. Karl Rubin and I have been using these tools to construct, and examine, certain skew-Hermitian matrices over the p-adic group rings of the Galois groups of Zp-power extensions that contain this arithmetic information. The point of my lecture is to briefly describe this project, recent related results, and open questions.