Open questions and recent developments in Iwasawa theory

Open questions and recent developments in Iwasawa theory
in honor of Ralph Greenberg's 60th birthday
June 2005

Finding large Selmer groups

Karl Rubin

University of California, Irvine


Recent work of Nekovar makes it possible to produce families of examples of elliptic curves E and Zpd-extensions L/K such that the p-Selmer rank of E over F is at least [F:K] for every finite extension F of K in L. The well-known situation where K is imaginary quadratic, E is an elliptic curve over Q with odd rank over K, and L is the anticyclotomic Zp-extension of K, is an example of this phenomenon.

In this talk I will discuss a proof of Nekovar's theorem using the ideas introduced in Barry Mazur's lecture. I will also discuss some root number calculations and use them to give concrete examples of large Selmer growth. This work is joint with Barry Mazur.