Hendrix College campbell@hendrix.edu
Thesis Title: The Eisenstein Distribution and $p$-adic $L$-Functions
Advisor: Glenn Stevens
Mark Evans (January 2001)
Department of Defense, mfevans@afterlife.ncsc.mil
Thesis Title: Elliptic Curves and Alternating Group Extensions of the
Rational Numbers
Advisor: David Rohrlich
Adrian Iovita (May 1996)
University of Washington,
Thesis Title: p-Adic Cohomology of Abelian Varieties
Advisor: Glenn Stevens
Kalle Karu (May 1998)
Harvard University
Thesis Title: Semistable reduction in characteristic 0
Advisor: Dan Abramovich
Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston andre@bwh.harvard.edu
Thesis title: Computation of Mock Heegner Points on Modular Elliptic Curves.
Advisor: Glenn Stevens
Patricia Pacelli (May 1996)
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Co.,
Thesis title: Uniform Boundedness for Rational Points.
Advisor: Dan Abramovich