Tuesday, December 09, 2008 12:30 - 2:00 p.m. Boston University Mathematical Physics Seminar Room MCS180 in the Math Dept 111 Cummington Street "Families of QCD solutions from Dyson-Schwinger equations" Karen Yeats Boston U. Following up on the talks of Kreimer and van Baalen which described our reduction of Dyson-Schwinger equations to ordinary differential equations and analysed these equations in the quantum electrodynamics case, respectively; I will discuss the case of quantum chromodynamics. I will focus on the different possible qualitative behaviours of solutions and say a few words about physical interpretation. The preceding talks are not required to understand this one. This is joint work with Guillaume van Baalen, Dirk Kreimer, and David Uminsky. Tea at 12:15 http://math.bu.edu/research/mathphys/seminar.html