Mathematical Genealogy

Robert L. Devaney

Listed below, in reverse chronological order, are my mathematical ancestors as well as date and place of their final degree. Visit the great site called the Mathematics Genealogy Project to find out your own mathematical genealogy!

Robert L. Devaney, University of California, Berkeley, 1973

Stephen Smale, University of Michigan, 1957

Raoul Bott, Carnegie Mellon, 1949

Richard Duffin, Illinois, 1935

Harold Mott-Smith, Illinois, 1933

Robert Carmichael, Princeton, 1911

George Birkhoff, Chicago, 1907

E. H. Moore, Yale, 1885

H. A. Newton, Yale, 1850 (BS)

Michel Chasles, Ecole Polytechnique, 1814

Simeon Poisson, Ecole Polytechnique, 1800

Joseph Lagrange, Università di Torino, 1754

Leonhard Euler, Universität Basel, 1726

Johann Bernoulli, Universität Basel, 1694

Jacob Bernoulli, Universität Basel, 1684

Nicolas Malebranche, Universität Basel, 1672

Gottfried Leibniz, Universität Altdorf, 1666

Christiaan Huygens, Universiteit Leiden, 1655

Frans van Schooten, Universiteit Leiden, 1635

Jacobus Golius, Universiteit Leiden, 1621

Willebrord Snellius, Universiteit Leiden, 1607

Rudolph Snellius, Ruprecht Karls Universität, Heidelberg, 1572

Valentine Naibod, Martin Luther Universität, Halle-Wittenberg, (?)

Erasmus Reinhold, Martin Luther Universität, Halle-Wittenberg, 1535

Jakob Milich, Universität Wien, 1524

Desiderius Erasmus, College de Montaigu, 1506 (yes, that's Erasmus!)

Alexander Hegius, 1474

Rudolph Agricola, Università degli Studi di Ferrara, 1478

Theodoros Gazes, Universita di Mantova, 1433

Vittorino da Feltre, Universita di Padova, 1416

Guarino da Verona, 1408

Manuel Chrysoloras

Demetrios Kydones

Nilos Kabasilas

Listed below are my PhD students, each of whom received their degrees from Boston University.

Ann K. Sawyer (1984)

Pau Atela (1989)

Marilyn B. Durkin (1989)

Robert Winters (1990)

Mako Haruta (1992)

Núria Fagella (1995)

Eileen Lee (1997)

Ranjit Bhattacharjee (2000)

Mónica Moreno Rocha (2002)

Alexander Frumosu (2003)

Daniel M. Look (2005)

Sebastian Marotta (2008)

Elizabeth D. Russell (2009)

Daniel Cuzzocreo (2014)

Elizabeth Fitzgibbon (2014)

Eric Chang (2018)

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