To see what the file permissions are for your files, a variation
to the ls command is available. The ls -l command
produces the long listing of the files in the current directory.
For example:
math joe % ls -lg
The first ten characters are codes that describe what the
file permissions are. If the first column has a d in it
then this indicates that this entry is a directory. The next nine
characters are split into three sets of three characters each. The
characters are r (read), w (write), x
(execute). The first group of three shows what the current permissions
are for the user of the file, whose name is listed in
the third section (joe). The second set of three characters shows
what the current permissions are for the group of users
associated with this file, whose name is listed in the fourth section
(thesisgrp). The third set of three characters shows what the current
permissions are for everyone else, or the others with
an account on the machine. Any column containing a -- means
that this permission doesn't exist for that user.
The -g option to the ls command above shows
the name of the group that has permissions on each file.
The default permissions on newly-created files are that the owner
can read and write, and the group and others can read. The
chmod command lets a person change these permissions.
r (for read), w (for write), and x (for
execute) are the three permissions that can be added or taken away
from u (the user), g (the group), and o
(the others). For example, let's say Joe creates a file called
final.exam. When this file is created, it is readable by everyone
and has the following permissions:
Joe would use the command:
math joe % chmod go-r final.exam
to change the permissions so that no one but himself could read
Permissions can also be added by using a + sign
in place of the - with the chmod command.
Note: On the Math Department's machine there are two locally
created programs that makes setting file permissions easier. Use
the command public to give others permission to use and
look at the contents of your files. The command private
is used to remove read and execute permission from all other people
on the system, so that noone can access your files. By default everyone
can read a newly created file. Please take the proper precautions
by changing the file permissions when you create a file that should
be private.
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Up: File Permissions
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Tim Kohl