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Boston University  

Number Theory Student Seminar

During the 2004/2005 and 2005/2006 Academic Years
Kalin Kostadinov and Jeehoon Park co-organized this seminar.
We built on the legacy of the old seminar started by
Vincent Pasol, Alvaro Lozano-Robledo and Caleb Shor.
In the Fall of 2006, the seminar was subsumed by the big BU Algebra Seminar

The mission of the seminar was to provide a place were students could
listen to talks geared to their level, give talks based on their understanding,
and learn from one another.

The seminar featured about 50 independent talks and
two longer exploration series, on Class Field Theory and on Iwasawa Theory.
See the people link for the BU students who made the seminar alive.
We also hosted talks by students from Harvard, MIT, Stanford, and UMass-Amherst.