e Analysis of PDEs using Dynamical Systems Techniques
Analysis of Partial Differential Equations using Dynamical Systems Techniques

A conference in honor of the 60th birthday of C. Eugene Wayne

Boston University, June 1-3, 2016

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This conference will highlight recent developements in the application of dynamical systems techniques to the analysis of partial differential equations. It coincides with a celebration in honor of the 60th birthday of C. Eugene Wayne, whose work in this area has had, and continues to have, a significant impact.

A .pdf of the conference poster is here.

If you wish to attend the conference, please email apde-ds@math.bu.edu.

Conference organizers: Margaret Beck, Thierry Gallay, and Doug Wright. We greatfully acknoledge both Boston University and the National Science Foundation for providing funding for this conference.

Questions? Please email apde-ds@math.bu.edu.