MA 123 Calculus I — Fall 2024

This course is the initial course in BU's traditional sequence of three calculus courses. We study the four fundamental concepts of limits, continuity, differentiation, and integration. We begin the course with a thorough discussion of limits. Next, we consider continuity and differentiation, along with their applications. The course concludes with a study of integration, its relationship to differentiation, and its geometric meaning.

Learning Outcomes: In this course, students will acquire a wide range of quantitative skills, including those that are required to satisfy the BU Hub Quantitative Reasoning Unit II. They will also demonstrate a solid understanding of the two fundamental concepts in calculus—instantaneous rates of change and the accumulation of continuously varying quantities. Finally, they will develop the computational skills that underlie the subject of calculus, especially those that pertain to the notions of limits, differentiation, and integration.

In particular,

  1. Students will translate everyday situations that involve continuously varying quantities into mathematical models that are amenable to the techniques of calculus.
  2. Students will apply the appropriate techniques of limits, differentiation, and integration from calculus in order to predict the results of their models.
  3. Students will compare the results they obtain from their mathematical models to the phenomena they are modeling as a check on the validity of the models.
  4. The models studied will be expressed typically in symbolic or numerical terms, and the students will express their conclusions symbolically or numerically. They will also learn to express their conclusions using graphs and in descriptive terms when appropriate.
  5. Students will examine the limitations of the mathematical models that result from the assumptions upon which they are based.

The theory of calculus is developed in a deductive manner as is typical of most branches of mathematics. Students will learn the logical relationships among the various concepts as well as the major theorems that embody the subject. Demonstrations of most of these theorems will be presented in the class meetings, and students will acquire the ability to access the validity of assertions based on the logic of calculus. They will also be able to distinguish valid and invalid deductions.

Instructional Format:

A Sections: These sections are the weekly lectures (3 hours/week). All students must be registered for one of these sections.

When you register for an A section, you are also reserving the Thursday evening 6:30–8:30 time slot. You should not schedule anything that conflicts with this block oin the days of the midterm exams.

Our first midterm exam is scheduled for 6:30–8:30 pm on Thursday, October 17, and our second midterm exam is scheduled for 6:30–8:30 pm on Thursday, November 21. You should not schedule anything that conflicts with these exams.

The final exam will be given December 17 from 6:00–8:00 pm. Note that this exam starts at 6:00 pm, which is earlier than the midterms start. Also, note that this is the date and time fixed by the University's schedule for final exams for large introductory science and mathematics courses.

B Sections: These sections are the "studio-style" discussion sections. All students must be registered for one of these sections. Attendance in discussion section is mandatory, and you must attend the entire section.

During most of each discussion section, you will work in groups of three-four on worksheets that we have developed to augment the lectures and online homework. You may also ask questions about the homework exercises. Also, during most weeks, a quiz will be administered in the discussion sections. You must attend the entire discussion section in order to be eligible to take the quiz.


Textbook and online homework system:

Briggs, Cochran, Gillett, Schulz: Calculus (Early Transcendentals, 3rd edition with digital update), Pearson, 2019.

Detailed information about the textbook options is available at The course covers most of the material in Chapters 2–5 of the text.

There are two ways to view the textbook through MyLab Math, and both can be accessed from the menu on the left in your MLM course:

  1. Static eBook: This menu item opens a pdf reader that shows the entire three-semester version of the textbook, and you have the option to make notes and set bookmarks.

  2. Interactive eBook: This menu item opens the interactive eBook. This version of the textbook contains many interactive figures that illustrate certain concepts in a dynamic fashion. It is written in CDF, the Computable Document Format that is based on Mathematica. There is a free CDF player available from Wolfram Research, and you need to install this player for the interactive eBook to work. Boston University has a site license for Mathematica, so you can install Mathematica rather than the CDF player. Note that Mathematica is a powerful technical computing environment, and learning it takes some effort.

Web page for the online HW and the e-text: The e-book and the online homework assignments are available at Your course ID on MyLab Math is determined by your A section and is available from your lecturer.

Exams, quizzes, and grading: In addition to the two midterm exams and the final, there will be quizzes in discussion section.

Your grade for the course will be determined using the following percentages:

Each midterm exam 20%
Final exam 30%
Quiz grade 18%
Homework grade 12%

Getting help:

Homework policies:

Discussion section policies:

  • Attendance at discussion sections is mandatory, and you must attend the entire session.
  • Each discussion section will focus on a worksheet that reviews and goes more deeply into topics discussed during lecture.
  • Even though you work in groups during discussion section, we strongly suggest that you write your own solutions to the questions on the worksheets either on a piece of paper that is separate from the worksheet or on a tablet. We also suggest that you revisit your solutions as you study for the midterms and finals.
  • There will be a quiz during every discussion section (starting the second week of the semester) based on the worksheet and on the week's homework set. If you do not attend the entire discussion section, you will not be able to take the quiz.
  • No make-up quizzes will be given except as required by the University's policy on religious observance (see below). However, your lowest two quiz grades will be dropped at the end of the semester.
  • If you are unable to make your discussion section for any reason, you are welcome to attend a different discussion section during that week. However, you will NOT be able to take a quiz in any discussion section except your own.

Exam and quiz policies:

  • Calculators cannot be used during quizzes and exams.
  • When you finish a quiz or an exam, you will need to upload your solutions to Gradescope, doing so in a designated area of the room. So, when you finish writing your solutions to the quiz or exam problems, leave your belongings at your chair, take your quiz or exam paper and your scanning device to the designated area of the room for scanning and uploading. Then, be sure to give the proctors the hardcopy of your quiz or exam and be sure to check that you received the confirmation email from Gradescope that your submission has uploaded properly. Then, return to your chair to retrieve your belongings.

Make-up exams: We do not give make-up exams except in truly extraordinary circumstances. For example, if you are suffering from an illness that requires hospitalization, we will either adjust the grading scheme given above or administer a make-up exam. Note the reference below to the University's policy on religious observance.

If you think that you might miss an exam, contact the course coordinator, Professor Kaper, in advance as soon as possible.

If permission to make up an exam is granted, be aware that the make-up exam probably will not have the same format as the original exam.

University Policy on Religious Observance: This course will adhere to the University's policy on religious observance. Note that this policy states that students are required to inform instructors, in writing, of conflicts with the course schedule and requirements due to their religious observance as early as possible in the semester.

Course announcements: All general course announcements will be posted on the Blackboard Learn Site for the course. 24fallcasma123_Z1 This is available at You are responsible for any information that is posted there.

Gradebooks: Your homework grades will be posted on the MyLab Math sites, and your exam and quiz grades will be posted on the Gradescope sites for this course. If you have any questions about those grades, you should ask about them immediately. Questions about your exam grades should go to your instructors, and questions about your quiz grades should go to the lead TF for your discussion section. We expect all questions to be made in a timely manner, that is, in one or two weeks after the assessment is graded.

Classroom environment: The lecture sections for our class meetings and the discussion sections are times that are devoted to learning calculus, and activities that interfere with this process are not permitted. Although you may use your smart phones, iPads, tablets, or laptops to answer questions at the Learning Catalytics website during lecture, your use of these devices at other times during lecture and discussion section will be subject to the approval of your lecturer or discussion section leaders. Use of social media, texting, shopping online, and other non-academic and non-emergency online activities are certainly not allowed.

Academic conduct: Your work and conduct in this course are governed by the Boston University Academic Conduct Code. This code is designed to promote high standards of academic honesty and integrity as well as fairness. It is your responsibility to know and follow the provisions of the code. In particular, all work that you submit in this course must be your original work. If you have a question about any aspect of academic conduct, please ask.

Accommodations: Students with documented disabilities, including learning disabilities, may be entitled to accommodations intended to ensure that they have integrated and equal access to the academic, social, cultural, and recreational programs the university offers. Accommodations may include, but are not limited to, additional time on tests and note-taking assistance. If you believe you should receive accommodations, please contact the Office of Disability and Access Services to discuss your situation. This office can give you a letter that you can share with me outlining the accommodations you should receive. The letter will not contain any information about the reason for the accommodations.

Ensuring a positive learning environment: We hope that all students in this course feel it is in an environment in which they can productively learn. We believe that diversity of background (including, but not limited to: race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, socioeconomic status, religion, physical ability) is an asset. Diversity of ideas makes the ability of humankind to do mathematics stronger. We believe that it is important that all members of our classroom community feel welcomed, and that everyone feels respected for their efforts to learn. If there are any ways we can help facilitate this, we welcome that feedback. Please let us know if you feel that your learning is being adversely affected by any experiences, inside or outside of class.  

Mental health and wellness: The academic environment is challenging, and classes are not the only demanding part of your life. There are a number of resources available to you on campus to support your wellness, including: mental health services at SHS (\url{}), which allows you to book initial evaluation appointments online (\url{}); and Student Wellbeing (\url{}).  Please make me aware of anything that will hinder your success in this course.

Other dates: The last day to withdraw from the course without a grade of W is October 8, 2024. The last day to withdraw from the course while receiving a grade of W is November 12, 2024.

This syllabus is also posted at Updates may be made here as needed.