The Dynamical Systems seminar is held on Monday afternoons at
4:00 PM in CCDS 548 . There will be a brief tea in CCDS 548 at 3:45PM.
January 27th Björn de Rijk (KIT)
Title: Orbital stability of spatially periodic waves in the Klein-Gordon equation against localized perturbations
Nonlinear stability for spatially periodic waves in dispersive systems has so far been obtained against co-periodic or subharmonic perturbations by leveraging the Hamiltonian structure or other conserved quantities. However, nonlinear stability against localized perturbations remains largely unexplored. Since the perturbed wave is neither periodic nor localized in this case, the usual conservation laws are unavailable, thus obstructing a standard nonlinear stability argument. In this talk, I present a nonlinear orbital stability result for spatially periodic waves in the Klein-Gordon equation against $L^2$-localized perturbations. This is joint work with Emile Bukieda and Louis Garénaux.
February 3rd Mara Freilich (Brown)
Title: Mixing of biological tracers: beyond turbulent diffusion
Abstract: Ocean currents shape the distribution and magnitude of microbial populations with cascading influences on the global carbon cycle. In this talk, I will derive a parameterization for the turbulent flux of biological tracers and highlight the role of biological timescales. This parameterization reveals a growth-transport feedback that can generate diversity in phytoplankton community structure at fine scales (1-10 km) and higher net productivity in the presence of community diversity. I will then compare the theoretical results with ship-board observations to examine the interaction between ocean eddy processes and microbial communities revealing how frontal dynamics shape the upper ocean distribution of carbon and microbial communities.
February 10th Max Weinreich (Harvard)
Title: Chaos and periodic orbits in complex billiards
Abstract: Billiards is a mathematical model for anything that bounces: light, molecules, or the cue ball in the game of pool. In this talk, we will learn how to play billiards over the complex numbers. We prove two results on complex billiards in generic algebraic curves: first, the dynamical degree, or algebraic entropy, has an explicit lower bound; second, the set of periodic points has measure 0, confirming a classical conjecture of Ivrii and Weyl for generic algebraic plane domains.