Selected Alumni of the

Geometry and Topology Group

at Boston University

Clara Bodelon (May 2001)

Boston University
Thesis Title: Symbolic dynamics for hyperbolic surfaces of finite area
Advisor: David Fried
Rafael Diaz (Exp. May 2001)
Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research
Thesis Title: Deformation quantization of the moduli space of flat connections
Advisor: Takashi Kimura
Kalle Karu (May 1998)
Harvard University
Thesis Title: Semistable reduction in characteristic 0
Advisor: Dan Abramovich
Alex Kasman (May 1995)
College of Charleston
Thesis Title: Rank-r KP solutions with singular rational spectral curves
Advisor: Emma Previato
Mikhail Frumosu (May 1999)
Midway Airlines
Thesis title: Mathai-Quillen forms and Lefschetz theory
Advisor: Steve Rosenberg
Patricia Pacelli (May 1996)
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Co.
Thesis title: Uniform boundedness for rational points
Advisor: Dan Abramovich
Adrian Vajiac (May 1999)
University of Texas at Austin
Thesis title: Localization techniques in topological quantum field theories
Advisor: Steve Rosenberg
Mihaela Vajiac (May 2000)
University of Texas at Austin
Thesis title: Gauge theory techniques in quantum cohomology
Advisor: Steve Rosenberg
Ying Zhu(May 1994)
Thesis title: On extensions of Kodaira vanishing and embedding theorems.
Advisor: Steve Rosenberg

Math Department / Research / Geometry / People