Limited funding
is available for
graduate students and for faculty with PhDs in 2020 or later.
Women and members of underrepresented minorities are encouraged to apply. Click here
for funding application instructions.
Worskhop location: Room 548, Center for Computing & Data Sciences, Boston University
(located at BU East T station)
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Boston University will
host the twelveth annual joint workshop between Boston University (Boston, MA, USA),
Keio University (Yokohama, JP), and Tsinghua University (Beijing, CN). The purpose of these workshops is to expose
graduate students, junior faculty and researchers to active areas of research
in areas of mathematics represented by BU, Keio, and Tsinghua faculty.
This year's program will focus on
Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems and Applied Mathematics.
All talks are intended to be accessible to advanced graduate students with an
interest in differential equations or dynamical systems.
Thanks to NSF funding, there is limited funding available to cover the local and travel
expenses of
US based graduate students and postdocs from outside the Boston
We ask participants to register using the link above, so we can
keep track of attendence. Please register!
Workshop topics include:
Dynamical systems
Ergodic theory
Applications in biology, chemistry and neuroscience