Seminars in Dynamics
Dynamical Systems Seminars
Fall 1998
The Dynamical Systems seminar is held on Monday afternoon at
4:00 PM in MCS 149. Tea beforehand at 3:30 PM in MCS 153.
- September 14: Third annual get-acquainted dynamics wine and cheese reception
- September 21: Kresimir Josic (Pennsylvania State University)
Synchronization Between Chaotic Systems
- September 28: Paul E. Barbone, Boston University
Comutational Representations of "Complicated" Linear Dynamical
High Modal Density Asymptotics
- October 5: Charles Tresser (IBM Thomas J. Watson Research
Farey Trees in Real Dynamics
- October 12: Christopher Columbus (Genoa)
Finding Great Circles on the Two Sphere
- October 19: David Ruelle (IHES and Rutgers University)
New Theoretical Ideas in Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics
- October 26: Georgiy Medvedev (Boston University)
A Reaction-Diffusion System with Periodic Front Dynamics
- November 2: Luca Zamboni (University of North Texas)
Arithmetic of Interval Exchange Transformations
- November 9: Bill Basener (Boston University)
Solutions to the N-Body Problem that Reach Infinity in Finite Time
- November 16: Pitu Cors (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya)
Some Examples of Periodic Orbits in the Three Body Problem
- November 23:
- November 30:
- December 7: Louis Block (University of Florida)
Dynamics and inverse limit spaces
- December 14: David Morgan (Boston University)
BU Dynamical Systems Home Page
BU Mathematics Department Home Page