Faculty speakers:
- Ralph Greenberg (Univ. of Washington)
Masato Kurihara (Keio University)
- Karl Rubin (UC-Irvine)
- John Voight (Dartmouth College)
- Shuji Yamamoto (Keio University)
John Bergdall (BU)
Jessica Fintzen (Harvard)
Jorge Florez (CUNY)
Yoshinosuke Hirakawa (Keio)
Yuichi Hirano (Tokyo Univ.)
Catherine Hsu (Oregon)
Aditya Karnataki (BU)
Joseph Kramer-Miller (CUNY)
Jaclyn Lang (UCLA)
Anna Medvedovsky (ICERM)
Tomoki Mihara (Tokyo Univ./Keio Univ.)
Kazuaki Murakami (Keio)
Jiro Nomura (Keio)
Hieu T. Ngo (Texas A&M - Qatar)
Masataka Ono (Keio)
Rei Otsuki (Keio)
Bharathwaj Palvannan (Washington)
Takamichi Sano (Keio)
Florian Sprung (Princeton)
Yuuki Takai (Keio)
Carl Wang-Erickson (Brandeis)
Sandi Xhumari (UConn)
Kazuki Yamada (Keio)
Myungjun Yu (UC-Irvine)
*Subject to change.
Contributed sessions:
- There will be two split† contributed sessions for postdocs and graduate students on Wednesday 9/9 and Saturday 9/12.
- The talks will take place in MCS 148/B21 on Wednesday and CAS B06A/B on Saturday.
- Talks will be 20 minutes with 10 minutes reserved for questions and/or breaks.
- The schedule will appear soon.
†Some postdoctoral talks will take place in single
Poster session:
- There will be a poster session taking place in the math deparatment Tuesday evening (9/8).
- Contributing speakers are strongly encouraged to present
posters to complement their talks.
- If you would like to present a poster, but are not already a
contributing speaker, please email us at bukeio2015@math.bu.edu as soon as possible. We will accommodate as many requests as we can.