Lecturer: Ryan Goh
Lectures: C1 Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:05-9:55 am; CAS 224
A1 Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10:10-11:00 am; CAS 224
Office Hours : CDS 423, W 12:30pm-2pm, Th 9am-10:30am
or by appointment, please provide your availability when requesting an appointment.
Syllabus page here
Textbook: "Differential Equations," 4th edition, by Blanchard, Devaney, Hall, Second Edition. A link to the textbook can be found here. It will helpful to have a copy of the DE tools software that comes with the textbook, this can be downloaded for free on the publishers website . Note you will need Java Runtime 8 to run this software. Amazon Coretto 8 seems to work best. See also this link
Course Announcements
Any important updates will be posted on the course campuswire page, and occasionally by email. Please check both of these daily!Homework
All assignments must be uploaded via the Gradescope application which can be accessed in Blackboard under the tab "Homework Turn-In." See these links for guidelines and an example of a homework solution. Problems only listed in the "Assignment" category should be turned in. Homeworks are due each Friday at 5pm. See the aforementioned guideline document for how to compose your homeworks and submit them. There you will also find links on how to scan/upload and submit them using Gradescope.
Due Date Reading Assignment Suggested problems 1/24 HW 1: On a piece of paper, write out what you hope to get out of this class and how you wish to use it going forward, then scan and submit it via Gradescope. This will help me calibrate lectures and help you get acquainted with Gradescope. Any assigment uploaded by the due date will be given full credit. 1/31 HW 2: Section 1.1, 1.2 Pg. 14-18 #5,6,7, 8(a,b) ; Pg. 33-36 #2 Pg. 14-17 #2,4,12;
Pg. 33-36 #1,3
2/7 HW 3: Section 1.2,1.3,1.4, 1.5 Pg. 33-36 #6,28 Pg. 47-51 #10,13,14;
Pg 61-63 #6,11 (note: a spreadsheet which runs Euler's method, for two example diff. eq.s can be found here in Excel format and in Mac Numbers format );
Pg. 72-73 #6;
Pg. 33-36 #13,17,25,28,35,37,43; Pg. 47-51 #2,6,7,9,16,19;
Pg 61-63 #2,3,10,17;
Pg. 72-73 #1,5,7,8, 13,14,18;
2/14 HW 4: Section 1.5,1.6,1.7 Pg. 72-73 #12;
Pg. 89 - 93 #4,16, 32,
Pg.106 -107 #2, 4,19;
Pg. 72-73 #11,17
Pg. 89-93 #1,2,7,9,21,28,29,31,33,36, 39;
Pg 106-107 #2,7,9, 11, 13,15,2/21 HW 5: Section 1.8,1.9 Pg. 121 - 124 #2,4,12 ;
Pg. 133 - 134 #4;
Pg. 121 - 124 #2, 6, 7,9,11,16, 17, 19-22,25,29;
Pg. 133 - 134 #1,6,9,10;
2/28 HW 6: Section 2.1, 2.2, Pg. 161 - 166 #1,4,8,20;
Pg. 178 - 183 #6,8,16,
(Note: use the links posted in campuswire, or another phase plane plotter for problems which ask you to plot solutions using DETools)Pg. 161 - 166 #1-4,7,9,15,16,20,21,22,23,24; Pg. 178 - 183 #1-6,7,10,11,15,19,21,23,25;
3/8 HW 7: Section 2.3 - 2.7 Pg. 187-188 #2 Pg. 194-195 #2, 13; Feel free to use any online phase portrait plotter (see campuswire post #21). Pg. 202-204 #2,4,; An apple/mac spreadsheet which runs Euler's method for a 2D-system can be found here, and an Excel version here Pg. 208-209 #3,4,5,10; Pg. 187-188 #9 Pg. 194-195 #5,7, 9,13; Pg. 202-204 #3,5; Pg. 208-209 #1,9,11; Pg. 224 - 228 as many problems as you have time for! Midterm and Final information
There will be three exams during the semester. They will be held on Friday, February 14th and Wednesday, March 5th and Friday, April 11th at the regular lecture time and location. Logistics of each exam will be discussed during class. The tentative date for the final exam is TBA, in a TBA location. The finalized date will be announced when the registrar sets it. No early finals will be given and please do not plan your end-of-semester travel until the precise date and time are set.Grades
Your course grade will be determined as followsExams (40%) 40% total, %20 each exam, lowest exam score dropped, cannot receive an A or A- grade if an exam is missed for an unexcused absence)Final exam (30%) Homework (20% - two lowest scores dropped) Quizzes (5% - graded on completion only, can miss two quizzes without drop), Participation (5%): Participating in in-class campuswire polls, discussion section activities, campuswire discussions (asking/answering questions)
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