Math/Computer Science, Room 148 111 Cummington Street, Boston Tea at 2:30pm, MCS 153. |
Some vanishing results for vector bundles on the flag variety |
Math/Computer Science, Room 148 111 Cummington Street, Boston Tea at 2:30pm, MCS 153. |
There are enough Azumaya algebras on surfaces E-print Reference: math.AG/0003229 |
Math/Computer Science, Room 148 111 Cummington Street, Boston Tea at 2:30pm, MCS 153. |
Cyclic formality and its applications to index theory
Math/Computer Science, Room 148 111 Cummington Street, Boston Tea at 2:30pm, MCS 153. |
From the algebra of Feynman diagrams to knots and numbers |
Math/Computer Science, Room 148 111 Cummington Street, Boston Tea at 2:30pm, MCS 153. |
Moduli of bundles on symplectic surfaces |
Math/Computer Science, Room 148 111 Cummington Street, Boston Tea at 2:30pm, MCS 153. |
Surface classification and local and global fundamental groups |
Nov 8, 2000, 3-4pm Math/Computer Science, Room 148 111 Cummington Street, Boston Tea at 2:30pm, MCS 153. |
Equivariant K-theory of the nilpotent cone |
Math/Computer Science, Room 148 111 Cummington Street, Boston Tea at 2:30pm, MCS 153. |
An integer valued SU(3) Casson invariant for homology 3-spheres |
Nov 29, 2000, 3-4pm Math/Computer Science, Room 148 111 Cummington Street, Boston Tea at 2:30pm, MCS 153. |
Curvature flows in complex geometry |
Math/Computer Science, Room 148 111 Cummington Street, Boston Tea at 2:30pm, MCS 153. |
A homology cobordism invariant derived from Floer homology |
Click The Gazette Page for a list of all math talks in Boston area.
A list of past speakers from Fall 1997, Spring 1998, Fall 1998, Spring 1999, Fall 1999, and Spring 2000
For further information, please contact Takashi Kimura at
or Alexander
Polishchuk at
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