Boston University Geometry Seminar
Fall 2003

Note: Change of Seminar Dates

Fri 4:00 - 5:00 in Room MCS 148

Tea: 3:45 - 4:00 in Room MCS 180

Special Date and Time
September 24
Tea: 2:45 - 3:00 in MCS 153
Harry Tamvakis (Brandeis)
Gromov-Witten invariants on Grassmannians
Special Date and Time
October 1
Tea: 2:45 - 3:00 in MCS 153
Wee Liang Gan (MIT)
Koszul duality for dioperads
October 10
Takashi Kimura (Boston U.)
Admissible covers, equivariant topological field theory,
and orbifolding
October 17
Steve Rosenberg (Boston U.)
Characteristic forms on loop spaces
Special Date and Time
October 22
Tea: 2:45 - 3:00 in MCS 180
Matthew Szczesny (U. Penn.)
Orbifold conformal blocks and
the stack of pointed G-covers
October 31
David Fried (Boston U.)
Horoball packings and geodesic flow
November 7
Yuri Fedorov
(U. Politecnica de Catalunya and Moscow Lomonosov U.)
Integrable ellipsoidal billiards with separable potentials,
billiards on quadrics, and the Poncelet theorem.
November 14

Yann Rollin (MIT)
Legendrian knots and monopoles
Special Date and Time
November 19
Room MCS 148
Tea: 2:45-3:00 in MCS 180
Emma Previato (Boston U.)
Zooming in on the Hitchin system in genus two
November 28
No Seminar
Fall Recess
Special Date and Time
December 4
11:00 - 12:00
Room MCS B29
Tea: 10:45-11:00 in MCS 180
Lev Borisov (Madison)
McKay correspondence for elliptic genera

Visitors since January 23, 2001