Boston University Geometry Seminar
Spring 2007

Wed 3:00 - 4:00 in Room 149

Tea: 2:45 - 3:00 in Room 153

January 31
Bailin Song
(Brandeis University)
A Convexity Theorem and Reduced Delzant Spaces
February 7
No Seminar
February 14
Cancelled due to the weather
Ismar Volic
(Wellesley College)
Bott-Taubes integrals and invariants of embedding spaces
February 21
Brad Safnuk
(McMaster University)
Localization on the moduli of curves
February 28
Eaman Eftekhary
Heegaard Floer homology and the existence of essential tori
Note: Special Date!
March 1
Tea: 2:45 in MCS 153
Katrin Wehrheim
A symplectic category featuring Lagrangian
correspondences and pseudoholomorphic quilts
March 7
Jeremy Copeland
Moduli of Rank 2 Cameral Covers
March 14
No Seminar
Spring Break
March 21
Denis Auroux
Homological mirror symmetry for blowups of CP^2
March 28
Alvaro Pelayo
(University of Michigan at Ann Arbor)
Symplectic torus actions on four manifolds
April 4
James Sparks
Sasaki-Einstein Manifolds
Note: Special Date
and Room!

April 9 at 4:00
Room: MCS 135
Tea at 3:45: MCS 137
Sylvie Paycha
(Université Blaise-Pascal)
Renormalised multiple sums and
integrals of symbols with constraints
April 11
Stephan Tillmann
Volumes of representations
April 18
Kobi Kremnitzer
Quantum D-modules and applications
April 25
Ismar Volic
(Wellesley College)
Bott-Taubes integrals and invariants of embedding spaces
May 2
Joseph Maher
(Oklahoma State)
Random walks and the mapping class group

Visitors since January 23, 2001