Boston University Geometry Seminar
Fall 2009

Wed 3:00 - 4:00 in Room PSY B12

Tea: 2:45 - 3:00 in Room MCS 153

September 23
Brett Kotschwar
Backwards uniqueness of the Ricci Flow
September 30
Eli Grigsby
(Boston College)
On Khovanov and Heegaard Floer homology
October 7
Xinwen Zhu
Gerbal representations of double loop groups
October 14
Alina Marian
(Harvard and UIC)
The moduli space of stable quotients
October 21
Ivan Losev
Deformation quantization and W-algebras
October 28
Spencer Bloch
The geometry of Feynman amplitudes and Landau poles II
November 4
Alexei Oblomkov
(UMass Amherst)
The Gromov-Witten/Donaldson-Thomas correspondence with descendants
November 11
Holiday - No seminar

November 18
No Seminar

November 25
Thanksgiving - No seminar

December 2
Chris Schommer-Pries
Classifying extended topological field theories in low dimensions
December 9

Visitors since January 23, 2001