This course
introduces quantum field theory and in particular renormalization theory
from the viewpoint of Hopf algebras. As such, it introduces the student to
quantum field theory from a modern mathematical viewpoint.
While this is of some interest to mathematicians, it has also implications for our understanding of physics,
Not non-renormalizable gravity and other feasts
and references there.
The course provides in a self-contained manner the necessary background to understand such developments.
Here, we collect some background material
for reading.
Syllabus An optimistic overview of what could be covered. We came close though in
previous years.
Two reviews are:
Review (D.Kreimer,
Annals Phys.303:179-202,2003)
Review (D.Manchon,
Assignment 1
Solution 1
Assignment 2
Solution 2
Here are some papers which cover the metarial of the course:
Paper (D.Kreimer,
The paper gives in section 3.1 the proof that S_R is a character.
Paper (A.Connes, D.Kreimer,
Comm.Math.Phys.199, 203-242, 1998))
Sections two and three in particular.
Paper (A.Connes, D.Kreimer,
Comm.Math.Phys.216, 215, 2001))
Sections two and four in particular.
Paper (K.Ebrahimi-Fard,
L.Guo, D.Kreimer, to appear in Ann.H.Poincar'e)
Section three summarizes the algebra of rooted trees nicely.
Paper D.Kreimer, to
appear in the Les Hoches "From Physics to geometry and Number Theory" Proceedings
2003, see also hep-th/0404090 and hep-th/0407016 and hep-th/0012146 (with
Examples for non-linear DSEs.
of Igor Mencattini
The two reviews above cover the material of the course from the viewpoint
of physics and mathematics.
Here are some notes
on the course.
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