Boston University Geometry Seminar
Fall 2011

Wed. 4:00 - 5:00 in Room MCS B21

Tea: 3:45 - 4:00 in Room MCS 144

Sep. 21
Aaron Naber
Quantitative stratification and regularity for Einstein manifolds, minimal surfaces, and harmonic maps.
Sep. 28
Thomas Willwacher
Chern characters and polyvector fields.
Oct. 5
Luke Cherveny
Gromow-Witten theory with descedants in genus zero via the mirror principle

Oct. 12
Marco Aldi
Nil-manifolds, loop spaces, and OPE's.

Oct. 19
Chris Beasley
Supersymmetric Chern-Simons theory on a contact manifold.

Oct. 26

Nov. 2

Nov. 9
Dan Edidin
(University of Missouri)
Nov. 16

Nov. 23

Nov. 30

Dec. 7
Si Li

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