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Boston University Geometry Seminar
(Hebrew University, Jerusalem) Gerbes and the holomorphic Brauer group of complex tori |
(Brandeis) Twisted T-duality and Quantization. |
(Harvard) K3 surfaces and a Moonshine for Mathieu 24 |
Oct. 8 3-4 pm in MCS 149 Tea 2:45-3 in MCS 153 |
(Harvard University) Universal Formulas for Counting Nodal Curves on Surfaces |
(Ohio State) A duality of etale gerbes. |
(Northeastern) Yangians and quantum loop algebras |
(Brandeis) Smooth four-manifolds, surgeries along tori, and exotica. |
(Brigham Young University) Moduli of Curves with W-structure, Mirror Symmetry, and the Landau-Ginzburg/Calabi-Yau correspondence |
Nov. 15 3-4 pm in MCS 135 Tea 2:45-3 in MCS 153 |
(King's College, London) Logarithms, torsion, and TQFT |
Nov. 22 3-4 pm in MCS 135 Tea 2:45-3 in MCS 153 |
(University of Oregon) Category O for symplectic resolutions |
( CUNY ) Sheaves and K-theory for F_1 - schemes.
| ( Cornell ) Hamiltonian torus actions on orbifolds. |