Selected Online Publications

Monograph:    Probability Distributions in Quantum Statistical Mechanics (PDF)

Papers:  (Available in .PDF format unless otherwise specified)         

Integrating genomic data to predict transcription factor binding  (with C. Delisi and D. Holloway), to appear, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology

Average complexity of approximation by neural networks (with L. Plaskota) to appear, J. Complexity

Extending Girosi's approximation estimates for functions in Sobolev spaces via statistical learning theory (with L. Raphael and D. Williams), J. Analysis and Applications 3 No. 2 (2005), 67-90.

Statistical likelihood representations of prior knowledge in machine learning (with L, Plaskota and A. Przybyszewski), to appear, Artificial Intelligence and Applications

Machine learning and statistical MAP methods (with L. Plaskota and A. Przybyszewski), to appear, Intelligent Information Systems

On some integrated approaches to inference (with L. Plaskota), preprint, 2004

Complexity of predictive neural networks (with L. Plaskota) Proceedings of International Conference on Complexity  (2003)

Sup-norm convergence rates of wavelet expansions in Besov Spaces (with L. Raphael), in Applicable Mathematics (2002), 193-203.

Pointwise wavelet convergence in Besov and Uniformly Local Sobolev Spaces  (with L. Raphael), Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis 36 (2002), 51-68.

Complexity of neural network approximation with limited information:  a worst-case approach (with L. Plaskota), J. Complexity 17 (2001), 345-365.

Convergence rates of multiscale and wavelet expansions (with L. Raphael), in Wavelet Transforms and Time-Frequency Signal Analysis, American Mathematical Society CBMS Volume, L. Debnath, Ed. (2001), 37-65.

A characterization of wavelet convergence in Sobolev spaces (with L. Raphael), Applicable Analysis 78 (2001), 271-324.

Complexity of regularization RBF networks (with L. Plaskota), in Proceedings of International Joint Congress on Neural Networks, INNS, Washington (2001), 342-346.

Review of Complexity and Information, (by J.F. Traub and A.G. Werschulz), Bull. Amer. Math Soc. 37 (2000), 199-204.

Information complexity of neural networks (with L. Plaskota), Neural Networks 13 (2000), 365-376.

Oscillation criteria for delay equations (with Y. Sficas and I. P. Stavroulakis), Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 128 (2000), 2989-2997.

Neural networks, radial basis functions, and complexity (with L. Plaskota), Proceedings of Bialowieza Conference on Statistical Physics, 1997, 122-145.

Exact smoothing properties of Schrodinger semigroups (with A. Gulisashvili), American J. Math. 118 (1996), 1215-1248

Pointwise convergence of wavelet expansions (with S. Kelly and L. Raphael), Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 30 (1994), 87-94

Local convergence of wavelet expansions (with S. Kelly and L. Raphael), J. Functional Anal. 126 (1994), 102-138


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