Boston University Geometry and Physics Seminar
Spring 2018

Wed. 4:00 - 5:00 in Room MCS 148

Tea: 3:45 - 4:00 in Room MCS 144

Jan 10th
Tyler Kelly
(University of Cambridge)
Open global mirror symmetry
Jan 16th
(Room MCS B21)
Andrew Harder
(University of Miami)
Hodge numbers of Landau-Ginzburg models
Jan 17th
Hansol Hong
(Harvard University/CMSA)
Mirror construction by deformations of Lagrangians
Jan 18th
(Room MCS B21)
Yu-Shen Lin
(Harvard University/CMSA)
Counting holomorphic discs and its applications
Jan 19th
Fabian Haiden
(Harvard University)
The geometry of stability, semistability, and instability
Jan 24th
Matt Young
(Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Index theorems for B-twisted Landau-Ginzburg orientifolds
Jan 31st
No seminars this week
Feb 7th
Yunhyung Cho
(Sungkyunkwan University)
Monotone Lagrangians in flag varieties
Feb 14th
(Room MCS B21)
Yu-Wei Fan
(Harvard University)
Weil-Petersson geometry on the space of Bridgeland stability conditions
Feb 21st
Xiaomeng Xu
Frobenius manifolds and quantum groups
Feb 28th
No seminars this week
Mar 7th

Spring Recess

Mar 14th

Chenglong Yu
(Harvard University)
Higher Hasse-Witt matrices and period integrals
Mar 21st
Guangbo Xu
(Princeton University)
Open quantum Kirwan map and bulk deformation
Mar 28th
Dingxin Zhang
(Brandeis University)
The Monsky-Washnitzer site
Apr 3rd (Tue)
(5 - 6 PM)
Jacob Bourjaily
(Niels Bohr Institute - Copenhagen)
Stratifying On-Shell Cluster Varieties

Apr 4th
Sebastien Picard
(Columbia University)
The Fu-Yau equation in complex geometry

Apr 11th
Yu Pan
Augmentations and immersed exact Lagrangian fillings

Apr 18th
Xiao Zheng
(Boston University)
SYZ mirror symmetry for hypertoric varieties
Apr 25th
Ilia Zharkov
(Kansas State University)
Immersed spheres in phase tropical hypersurfaces
May 2nd
Dmitry Tonkonog
(University of California, Berkeley)
Refined Floer theory for immersed Lagrangian surfaces
May 9th
(2 - 3 PM)
Yuhan Sun
(Stony Brook University)
Nondisplaceable Lagrangian tori in del Pezzo surfaces

Visitors since January 23, 2001