Boston University Geometry and Physics Seminar
Spring 2014

Wed. 4:00 - 5:00 in Room MCS 148

Tea: 3:45 - 4:00 in Room MCS 144

Jan 22
Santosh Kandel
(Notre Dame)
Construction of a Functorial QFT in the Riemannian setting
Jan 29
Brendan McLellan
Abelian Analytic Torsion and Symplectic Volume
Feb 5
Michael McBreen
Mirror Symmetry for Hypertoric Varieties
Feb 12
Maxim Braverman
The Berry phase and the phase of the determinant
Feb 24
Yoshi Maeda
Wodzicki Chern-Simons class for loop spaces
Feb 26
Hossein Movasati
A common framework for automorphic forms and topological string partition functions
Mar 5
Ruth Charney
Boundaries of spaces of non-positive curvature
Mar 12
Spring Recess

Mar 19 (note date change!)
Bong Lian
Period Integrals and Recent Progress
Apr 2
Laura Schaposnik
Real slices of the moduli space of Higgs bundles
Apr 9
Yaim Cooper
Moduli spaces of stable quotients in genus 0 and 1
Apr 16
Aliakbar Daemi
Symmetric spaces and knot invariants from gauge theory
Apr 23
Ryosuke Takahashi
Euclidean Schwarzschild Metric and the Ancient Solutions of Ricci Flow in Dimension 4
Apr 30
Chris Kottke
Transgression to loop space and fusion

Visitors since January 23, 2001