Boston University Geometry and Physics Seminar
Spring 2019

Wed. 4:00 - 5:00 in Room MCS 148

Tea: 3:45 - 4:00 in Room MCS 144

Feb 6th
Robert Silversmith
(Northeastern University)
Symmetric products of projective space and Gromov-Witten theory
Feb 13th
Andrew Hanlon
(Berkeley/ Harvard)
A new perspective on homological mirror symmetry for toric varieties
Feb 20th
Brooke Ullery
(Harvard University)
The gonality of complete intersection curves
Feb 27th
Yefeng Shen
(University of Oregon)
An LG/LG mirror theorem between matrix factorizations and primitive forms
Mar 1st (Fri)
(MCS B21)
Ryan Grady
(Montana State University)
Quantizing Mapping Stacks
Mar 6th
Paul Hacking
(University of Massachusetts at Amherst)
Mirror symmetry for Fano varieties
Mar 13th

Spring Recess

Mar 20th

No seminar this week

Mar 27th
Andrew Neitzke
(University of Texas at Austin)
Spectral networks and the Bonahon-Wong quantum trace
Apr 3rd
Dylan Butson
Equivariant Localization in Factorization Homology and Omega Backgrounds
Apr 10th
Tsung-Ju Lee
(Harvard CMSA)
A-hypergeometric systems and relative cohomology
Apr 17th
Yang Zhou
(Harvard CMSA)
Quasimap wall-crossing for GIT quotients
Apr 26th (Fri)
(MCS B21)
Pavel Mnev
(University of Notre Dame)
Two-dimensional BF theory as a conformal field theory

Visitors since January 23, 2001