Sep 15th
11am via Zoom
Miranda Cheng
Academia Sinica/University of Amsterdam
Three-Manifolds, Quantum Modular Forms and log VOAs
Sep 22th
Pavel Etingof
Hecke operators over local fields and an analytic approach to the geometric Langlands correspondence
Sep 29th
Teng Fei
Rutgers Unviersity, Newark
The Type IIA flow and its applications in symplectic geometry
Oct 6th
Xuwen Zhu
Northeastern University
Fredholm theory of Tian--Yau metrics
Oct 13
3pm via Zoom
John Lott
University of California, Berkeley
Chern-Simons, differential K-theory and operator theory
Oct 20th
Ahmad Reza Haj Saeedi Sadegh
Northeastern University
Deformation to the Normal Cone and its Applications
Oct 27th
Stephan Stolz
University of Notre Dame
TMF-cohomology via 2-dimensional QFTs
Nov 3rd
Benjamin Gammage
Harvard University
Mirror symmetry and the SYZ base
Nov 10th
Charles Doran
University of Alberta
The Greene-Plesser Construction Revisited
Nov 16 3-4pm SCI 115
Alexander Braverman
University of Toronto
One ring to rule them all (or Coulomb branches and
Ben-Zvi-Sakellaridis-Venkatesh duality outside of the cotangent case)
Nov 24th
Thanksgiving Recess
Dec 1st
Emily Cliff
University of Sherbrooke
Moduli spaces of principal 2-group bundles and a categorification of the Freed--Quinn line bundle
Dec 8th
Filip Dul
UMass Amherst
General Covariance from the Viewpoint of Stacks