Dynamical Systems
Boston University — June 25-29, 2018
- Return to the schedule here.
Abstracts and lecture notes for contributed talks:
- Margaret Beck (BU)
Stability of patterns in reaction-diffusion equations
Reaction-diffusion equations model a wide variety of chemical and biological
processes. Such systems
are well known for exhibiting patterns, such as traveling waves and spatially-
and/or temporally-periodic
structures. One important property of such solutions is whether or not they
are stable, which is im-
portant because it is typically only the stable solutions that are observed in
real world settings. In this
talk, I will discus the difference between spectral, linear, and nonlinear
stability, and highlight some key
methods for analyzing stability.
- Jason Bramburger (Brown)
Rotating Wave Solutions to Lattice Dynamical Systems
Examples of rotating waves abound in nature and have been an intense area of
rigorous mathematical investigation for many decades now, particularly due to
their association with electrophysiological pathologies. Much of the rigorous
mathematical investigations of rotating waves rely on the model exhibiting a
continuous Euclidean symmetry invariance, which is only present in a
mathematically idealized situation. In this talk we investigate the existence
of rotationally propagating solutions in a discrete spatial setting, for which
typical symmetry methods cannot be applied. That is, we inspect an infinite
system of coupled lambda-omega differential equations indexed by the
two-dimensional integer lattice and demonstrate that there exists a rotating
wave solution. It is demonstrated that the dimensionality of the problem poses
unique problems in that traditional techniques from systems of finitely many
differential equations cannot be directly applied. In particular, the
existence proof requires extensive results from Banach space theory and an
application of a non-standard implicit function theorem. Some brief remarks on
the history and relevance of lambda-omega systems are also provided to
properly frame the results.
- Eric Chang (BU)
A Sierpinski Mandelbrot Spiral
The Sierpinski carpet fractal and Mandelbrot set are fascinating images with
diverse applications such as transport through porous media, data compression,
and measuring the coast of Brittany. We identify three new structures in the
parameter plane for singularly perturbed rational maps in the family $z^n +
\lambda / z^d$ for z and $\lambda$ complex, n at least 4 is even, and d at
least 3 is odd. There exist two different types of arcs of infinitely many
alternating Sierpinski holes and Mandelbrot sets. Furthermore, there exists a
spiral of infinitely many arcs of one type passing through a single arc of the
other type.
- Eric Cooper (BU)
Selection of quasi-stationary states in 2d Stochastic Navier-Stokes on the
symmetric and asymmetric torus
Recent numerical studies have revealed certain families of functions play a
crucial role in the long time behavior of 2D Navier-Stokes with periodic
boundary conditions. These functions, called bar and dipole states, exist as
quasi-stationary solutions and attract trajectories of all other initial
conditions exponentially fast. If the domain is the symmetric torus, then the
dipole states dominate, while on the asymmetric torus the bar states
dominate. Using the vorticity equation, we will formulate a mathematical
framework to explain the evolution of solutions toward these metastable states
in both a deterministic and stochastic setting.
- Tim Faver (Drexel)
Nanopteron-stegoton traveling waves in mass and spring dimer
Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou lattices
The Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou (FPUT) lattice is an infinite chain of particles
connected by springs and constrained to move on a horizontal line. We present
results on the existence and properties of traveling wave solutions to the
lattice equations of motion for two classes of heterogeneous FPUT lattices:
the mass dimer, consisting of alternating particles and identical springs, and
the spring dimer, which has identical masses but alternating spring forces.
For both dimers, our traveling waves are nanopterons; unlike the classical
solitary wave that decays to zero at infinity, the nanopteron is asymptotic to
periodic waves with extremely small amplitude. While we employ the same
bifurcation and quantitative contraction mapping methods for both dimers, we
encounter some subtle differences between the dimers in the precise techniques
and results.
- David Fried (BU)
Riley groups and Caruso semigroups
The Julia set of a semigroup of Mobius transformations can sometimes be
expressed as the limit set of a Kleinian group. We illustrate this with some
two-generator semigroups introduced by Caruso, which describe a random
dynamics variant of the Fibonacci sequence. This is joint work with Sebastian
Marotta and Rich Stankewitz.
- Ryan Goh (BU)
Pattern-forming fronts in a Swift-Hohenberg equation with directional
Pattern formation in the wake of traveling inhomogeneities has become an
interesting line of research in various fields, such as vegetation patterns,
phase separation, and tissue patterning.
Such "quenching" or "growth processes" can be encoded mathematically in a
step-like parameter which allows patterns in a half plane, and suppresses them
a complement, while the boundary of the pattern forming region propogates with
fixed normal velocity. A natural first question is: How does the speed of the
boundary affect, or select, the pattern formed in its wake.
In this talk, we will discuss such phenomena in the framework of the
Swift-Hohenberg equation, a prototypical model of pattern formation. In one
spatial dimension, we will show how techniques from infinite-dimension
dynamics, such as center-manifold reduction and invariant foliations, as well
as Melnikov integrals, can be used to prove existence of stripe-forming front
solutions. Time permiting, we will also discuss how functional analytic
techniques can be used to study pattern formation in two spatial dimensions.
- Mareike Haberichter (UMass Amherst)
Squeezing Skyrmions
- Kanji Inui (Kyoto U.)
Values of Hausdorff measure and packing measure of the limit sets of infinite
conformal IFSs related to complex continued fractions
Many famous fractal sets (for example, Cantor set, Sierpinski gasket and so
on) are defined as the limit sets of contractive iterated function systems
(for short IFSs) with finitely many mappings. But, recently D. Mauldin and
M. Urbanski studied limit sets of conformal IFSs(for short CIFSs) with
infinitely many mappings. And, they showed that there exists a CIFS such that
the Hausdorff measure of the limit set corresponding to the Hausdorff
dimension is zero and the packing measure of the limit set corresponding to
the same dimension is positive. Note that the limit sets of CIFSs with
finitely many mappings do not have the above properties. In this talk, we
introduce an analytic family of CIFSs with infinitely many mappings related to
complex continued fractions such that the limit set of each system in the
family has the above strange properties and such that the Hausdorff dimension
of the limit set is a real analytic and subharmonic function of the
parameter. This study is a joint work with Hiroki SUMI (Kyoto University) and
Hikaru OKADA (Osaka University).
- Isao Ishikawa (RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project)
An invariant for the comparison of composition operators for reproducing
kernel Hilbert spaces
Classifying time series datas (sequences in the Euclidean space) is important
problem for the real world. Our task is giving a "good" mathematical
invariant to classify them. Dynamical system is one of the effective
mathematical model to analyze them, namely, we assume each time series data
is generated by a dynamical system. In terms of the theory of reproducing
kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS), the time series datas and the dynamical systems
are regarded as sequences of vectors and composition operators in RKHS,
respectively. We define an invariant to measure "distance" between two
dynamical systems (composition operators) in the framework of RKHS. This
invariant has an explicit formula which can be easily implemented, on the
other hand it includes mathematically difficult problems such as the
bounded-ness of composition operators. This study is the joint work with
Keisuke Fujii (RIKEN AIP), Masahiro Ikeda (RIKEN AIP/ Keio Univ), Yuka
Hashimoto (RIKEN AIP/ Keio Univ), and Yoshinobu Kawahara (RIKEN AIP/ Osaka Univ.)
- Hiroyasu Izeki (Keio)
Equivariant harmonic maps and rigidity of discrete groups
Harmonic maps have been a usefule tool for the study of group actions
on nonpositively curved spaces. In this talk I present a sort of gap
theorem concerning energy growth of equivariant harmonic maps from
discrete groups into nonpositively curved spaces. As an application,
I will mention a rigidity result of higher rank lattices.
- Yuika Kajihara (Kyoto U.)
Variational proof of the existence of brake orbits in the planer 2-center
The purpose of the talk is to show the existence of symmetric brake orbits in
the 2-center problem. We first start with introduction to state the
background and the main result. Next we provide the variational formulation
and show the existence of a minimizer. Finally we show that the minimizer is
neither trivial solutions nor collision solutions for some cases by
investigating the properties of the value of the action functional.
- Tasso Kaper (BU)
Torus canards and amplitude-modulated bursting
In this talk, the phenomena of canards in fast-slow (multi-scale) systems
of ODEs, such as the van der Pol equation, will be reviewed briefly. Then,
the relatively recent phenomena of torus canards, discovered by Mark
Kramer, will be introduced. Torus canards arise naturally (and must occur
topologically) in the transitions between periodic oscillations (spiking)
and bursting in a broad array of fast-slow models in neuroscience,
chemistry, and nonlinear systems. One of the highlights of torus canard
theory is a novel class of bursting rhythms, called amplitude-modulated
bursting (AMB), discovered by Theo Vo. AMB will be illustrated on a model
of intracellular calcium dynamics, and it will be shown that there is a
novel family of singularities, called toral folded singularities, which
exist generically in slow/fast systems with two or more slow variables and
which are the organizing centers for AMB. The results are based on joint
articles with A. Barry, G.N. Benes, J. Burke, M. Desroches, M. Kramer, M.
Krupa, and T. Vo.
- Tomoki Kawahira (Tokyo Inst. of Technology)
Almost affine copies of the Julia sets in the Mandelbrot set
We show that there are quasiconformal copies of the Cantor Julia sets
with parameters arbitrarily close to a parabolic or Misiurewicz parameter
embedded in the boundary of the Mandelbrot set. In particular, these
copies can be "superfine". More precisely, the dilatation of such a
quasiconformal embedding can be arbitrarily close to one, and the
inverse of the embedding can be arbitrarily close to an affine map.
(This is partially a joint work with Masashi Kisaka at Kyoto
- Kai Koike (Keio U.)
Rigid body motion in a special Lorentz gas
Imagine a ball thrown in the air; the ball feels the resistance of the
air. And the microscopic origin of the resistance is the collision between the
air molecules and the ball. Our question is: can we relate this microscopic
dynamics to the macroscopic dynamics of the ball? This is the theme of our
study. We take the kinetic theory of gases viewpoint. In this talk, I
present a recent result on the rigid body motion in a special Lorentz gas.
- Katsuhiro Miguchi (Osaka U.)
Decorated enhanced Teichmuller space
Some extended Teichmuller spaces are studied to investigate the moduli spaces of
hyperbolic structures for punctured surfaces.
Decorated Teichmuller space is the moduli space respecting the decoration that
is useful for investigating the original Teichmuller space.
Enhanced Teichmuller space is the space of hyperbolic surfaces with boundaries
which have signed length.
In this talk I will define the decorated enhanced Teichmuller space, constract
the lambda-length coordinates of this space, and describe its applications.
- Yoshitaka Saiki (Hitotsubashi U.)
Machine-learning prediction of fluid variables
We predict both microscopic and macroscopic variables of a fluid
flow using reservoir systems constructed from data. In our procedure
of the prediction, we assume no prior knowledge of physical process of
a fluid flow except that its behavior is complex but deterministic. We
present two ways of prediction of the complex behavior; the first
called partial-prediction requires continued knowledge of partial
time-series data during the prediction as well as past time-series
data, while the second called full-prediction requires only past
time-series data as learning data.
For the first case, we are able to predict a long-time motion of
microscopic fluid variables. For the second case, we show that the
reservoir dynamics constructed from only past data of energy functions
can predict a future behavior of energy functions and reproduce the
energy spectrum.
This implies that the obtained reservoir system constructed without
the knowledge of microscopic variables is almost equivalent to the
dynamical system describing a macroscopic behavior of energy
This is the joint work with Kengo Nakai (The University of Tokyo).
- Farruh Shahidi (Penn State)
Area preserving surface diffeomorphisms with polynomial decay of correlations
are ubiquitous
We show that any surface admits an area preserving $C^{1+\alpha}$
diffeomorphism with non-zero Lyapunov exponents which is Bernoulli and has
polynomial decay of correlations. We establish both upper and lower polynomial
bounds on correlations. In addition, we show that this diffeomorphism
satisfies the Central Limit Theorem and has the Large Deviation Property.
- Mitsuru Shibayama (Kyoto)
Variational construction of periodic and connecting orbits in the planar
Sitnikov problem
We consider the existence of solution in the planar Sitnikov problem,
realizing given symbolic sequences by based on variational method. We also
prove the existence of various periodic solutions and connecting orbits
between them.
- Mao Shinoda (Keio)
On non-convergence of equilibrium measures at zero temperature limit
We consider the sequence of equilibrium measures for a given potential
parametrized by temperature. Temperature controls ordered and disordered
powers, the potential and entropy. The lower temperature the goes, the more the
potential effects strengthen. In this talk we pay attention to behavior of
equilibrium measures as the temperature goes to zero.
A fundamental problem in the zero temperature limit is the convergence of
equilibrium measures. In the one-dimensional case, the sequence of equilibrium
measures for a finite range function converges. However in the high-dimensional
case, there exists a finite range function whose sequence of equilibrium
measures does not converge. We construct such a finite range function in
dimension two by imbedding a one-dimensional effective subshift into a
two-dimensional subshift of finite type.
- Hayate Suda (U. Tokyo)
Superdiffusion of energy in a chain of harmonic oscillators with
noise in a magnetic field
Anomalous heat transport (violation of the FourierbOn non-convergence of
equilibrium measures at zero temperature limits law) and
the corresponding superdiffusion of energy have been observed
numerically in a one-dimensional chains of anharmonic oscillators. There
is a lot of numerical experiments and heuristic arguments about the
anomalous behavior, but very few mathematical rigorous results have been
obtained until now. Recently, it was rigorously shown that a chain of
harmonic oscillators perturbed by a stochastic dynamics conserving total
momentum and total energy has diverging thermal conductivity, which
implies the anomalous heat transport. Currently, chains of harmonic
oscillators with conservative stochastic noise are considered as good
approximations of some anharmonic chains.
In this talk, we consider a chain of harmonic oscillators with
conservative stochastic noise in a magnetic field. We show that the
anomalous heat transport and the superdiffusion of energy in this
magnetic model. Especially, we prove that the time evolution of the
macroscopic energy distribution is governed by some 5/6-fractional
diffusion equation. This talk is based on joint works with Keiji Saito
(Keio) and Makiko Sasada (U. Tokyo).
- Tomoharu Suda (U. Tokyo)
Applications of the Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition to the study of vector fields
The Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition (HHD) is a decomposition of vector fields
whereby they are expressed as the sum of a gradient vector field and a
divergence-free vector field. In this talk, I will first summarize the
definition and basic properties of HHD. Then I will introduce my work on its
applications to the study of vector fields.
- Hiroki Takahasi (Keio U.)
Large Deviation Principle for arithmetic functions in continued fraction
Khinchin proved that the arithmetic mean of continued fraction digits of
Lebesgue almost every
irrational number in $(0,1)$ diverges to infinity. Hence, none of the
classical limit theorems such as
the weak and strong laws of large numbers or central limit theorems
hold. Nevertheless, we
prove the existence of a large deviations rate function which estimates
exponential probabilities
with which the arithmetic mean of digits stays away from infinity. This leads
us to a contradiction
to the widely-shared view that the LDP is a refinement of the weak or strong
laws of large numbers:
the former can be more universal than the latter.
- Hisayoshi Toyokawa (Hokkaido)
Asymptotic behavior of the iterate of weakly almost periodic Markov operators
and invariant densities
For a nonsingular transformation on a probability space, we establish
equivalent conditions for the existence of an absolutely continuous
$\sigma$-finite invariant measure whose support eventually contains almost
all trajectories. Further, we extend this result to certain random dynamics.
- Nick Wadleigh (Technion)
Shrinking targets and Diophantine approximation
Dirichlet's Theorem states that for a real mxn matrix A, ||Aq+p||^m \leq t,
||q||^n < t has nontrivial integer solutions for all t > 1. Davenport and
Schmidt have observed that if 1/t is replaced with c/t, c<1, almost no A has
the property that there exist solutions for all sufficiently large t.
Replacing c/t with an arbitrary function, it's natural to ask when precisely
does the decay of the function prohibit almost all A from having this
property. In the case m=1=n, we give an answer using dynamics of continued
fractions. We then discuss an approach to higher dimensions based on dynamics
on the space of lattices. Where this approach meets an obstruction, a similar
approach to the analogous *inhomogeneous* approximation problem will
succeed. Joint work with Dmitry Kleinbock.
- Takayuki Watanabe (Kyoto U.)
Random holomorphic dynamics of Markov systems
We consider random holomorphic dynamical systems on the Riemann sphere
whose choices of maps are related to a Markov chain. Our motivation is to
generalize the facts which hold in i.i.d. random holomorphic dynamical
systems. Specifically, we focus on the function T which represents the
probability of tending to infinity. We show some sufficient conditions which
make T continuous on the whole space and we characterize the Julia sets in
terms of the function T under some assumptions. This is a joint work with
Hiroki Sumi (Kyoto University).
- Gene Wayne (BU)
Dynamical systems and the asymptotics of the Navier-Stokes equations
Also, click
here for a survey article.
In this lecture I will describe how one can use ideas of dynamical
systems theory to give a quite complete picture of the long time asymptotics
of solutions of the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation. I will discuss the
and properties of invariant manifolds for dynamical systems defined on Banach
spaces and review the theory of Lyapunov functions, again concentrating on
the aspects of the theory most relevant to infinite dimensional dynamics. I
will then
explain how one can apply both of these techniques to the two-dimensional
Stokes equation to prove that any solution with integrable initial vorticity
will will
be asymptotic to a single, explicitly computable solution known as an Oseen
- Roland Welter (BU)
Decay profiles of a linear system associated with the compressible Navier
Stokes equations
In their 1995 paper, Hoff and Zumbrun showed that the leading order asymptotic
behavior of suitably small solutions to the compressible Navier Stokes
equations is governed by a much simpler linear artificial viscosity system.
We give an asymptotic expansion for solutions of the artificial viscosity
system to any inverse power of time by combining techniques of Gallay and
Wayne with those of Constantin.
- Xueying Yu (UMass Amherst)
Global well-posedness and scattering for the quintic NLS in two dimensions
We consider the Cauchy initial value problem for the defocusing quintic
nonlinear Schroedinger equation in R^2 with general data in the critical
space \dot H^{1/2} (R^2). We show that if a solution remains bounded in \dot
H^{1/2} (R^2) in its maximal interval of existence, then the interval is
infinite and the solution scatters.